

To GET the information of a person we use this READ operation. Your accessibility depends on the scope/access of your API Key.

Please view this link for more information https://adonishr.atlassian.net/l/cp/ocWq1Akr


Example Value in JSON

//Connection URL http://yourURL.com/AUS/AdonisUploadService.svc/v1/AUS_D_ActivitiesRotationLink { "request": { "Interface": "SHIPADMIN", "ExternalPin": "AN123455", "ExternalActivityID": "AN-12", "VesselIMO": "9619907" } }
{ "DeleteActivitiesRotationLinkV1Result": { "Authentication_Approved": true, "Authentication_ReasonDenied": "", "ErrorText": null, "IsError": false, "Message": "Request was successful.", "Solution": "", "Version": "2023.40.3.2" } }


For the detailed field definition, please view this link https://adonishr.atlassian.net/l/cp/mxBZy7So

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