PH-Philhealth Contributions Computation

PH-Philhealth Contributions Computation

PhilHealth is a government-owned and controlled corporation and is the country's national health insurance provider. It gives all of our private employee health coverage thanks to the contributions we make that are acquired by automatically deducting a certain percentage of our salary.

Monthly or quarterly premium contributions of PhilHealth Members are based on a fraction of the salary range. The PhilHealth Contribution Table for Employed Members below shows the Total Monthly Premium based on Monthly Salary Range.


  • Philhealth contribution before 2021 got 28 salary brackets from P8999 and below up to P35000 and above and each bracket has a different contribution rate, however in the year 2021 the rate I fixed at 3.50% of the Monthly Basic Salary which is to be equally shared by the employers and employee. This comes with a salary floor of P10,000 and a ceiling of P70,000.

For 2023 the percentage will be the same as in the year 2022. Official Statement of suspension https://pia.gov.ph/press-releases/2023/01/06/philhealth-official-statement-on-premium-increase-suspension

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