Report developed from APM predefined report available in payroll module. It is the standartized payslip for the general use by customers. Developed for Crew List > Email to Employee functionality
Period From/To - to limit transactions by period. Each period to be presented on the separate page, payslip will not aggregate several periods onto one page
Show Alternative pin - to define if is additionally displayed as the one assigned by application
Include no wage person - include even if CalcAmount1 is 0
Include sailing persons only - include only if exist transactions for current payroll period
Exclude Deactive - for terminated crew no report will be generated
Exclude Active - for active crew no report will be generated
Show Comments From Payroll Entries - to definу if comment field will be shown on layout
Include Leave Days Account - to define if Activities section will be shown on layout
Show Comments From Company - not in use
Show Signature - if a signature line appears
Show Currency Rate - to define if shown in header
Include Expiry Information - if the section with details for Travel/Medical/Competence should show
Entrycode section
Contains 2 groups of rules for data-display
- for ECs other than 994,995,996,985,989,998,999 Basis - as set for Line 3 under EntryCode > Payslip
Quantity - as set for Line 4 under EntryCode > Payslip
Rate - as set for Line 5 under EntryCode > Payslip
Amount - as set for Line 6 under EntryCode > Payslip
Comments - as defined for a payroll transaction
As above-mentioned Lines contain references to payroll L-fields - references are hardcoded to be replaced with database values as below:
Reference | Database Value |
@L21 | EntryField1 |
@L22 | EntryField2 |
@L23 | EntryField3 |
@L24 | EntryField4 |
@L25 | EntryField5 |
@L26 | EntryField6 |
@L27 | EntryField7 |
@L28 | EntryField8 |
@L29 | EntryField9 |
@L61 | CalcAmount1 |
@L62 | CalcAmount2 |
@L63 | CalcAmount3 |
@L64 | CalcAmount4 |
@L65 | CalcAmount5 |
@L66 | CalcAmount6 |
@L67 | CalcAmount7 |
@L68 | CalcAmount8 |
@L69 | CalcAmount9 |
@L70 | CalcAmount10 |
@L71 | CalcAmount11 |
- For ECs 994,995,996,985,989,998,999 - only Amount value is shown as in CalcAmount1 * CurrencyRate. If entrycode is defined as deducton - additional quotient of -1 is applied
Accumulators section
Balance B/F = sum(Amount from Entrycode section) where entrycode in (996, 998)
Earned = all ECs below 994 where CalcSign is +
Deducted = all ECs below 994 where CalcSign is -
Net = Earned - Deducted
New Balance = B/F + Earned - Deducted
First 10 accumulators are processed
Incoming Balance = accumulator value from period previous to reported
Earned this period = debit accumulator value from reported period
Deducted This Period = accumulated - earned - incoming
Total This Period = Earned - Deducted
Outgoing Balance = actual accumulated value this period
Activities section
DateFrom / DateTo - show activity date but only inside selected period, otherwise period Start/End is used.
Balance B/F - incoming balance of leave days for the selected period
Earned / Used - show earned / paid leave days during the period
Activities with code PAID or defined as Auto_Generated by Payroll are ignored if LeaveDays = 0
Expiries section
Displays any Travel, Competence or Medical document that is expiring during next 182 days
Shows payslip text as defined in Org.structure