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How to generate, configure, preview, and email.


Knowledge Base Article


Payroll, Payslip

This article explains all you need to know about outlines essential information on the payslip report. How , including how to generate /and preview it, configure settings, and send it via email.


There are two types of payslipsThis article details two distinct payslip categories:

  • The in-built type, which comes integrated within the program software from the initial installation package;

  • The customized , which should be uploaded and configured separately;

Both types are generated differently, from different locations.

Let’s look at each of them in detail
  • type, requiring separate upload and configuration;

Each category of payslip is produced through different methods and from various sections within the system.

We will guide you through both payslip varieties and their respective generation processes.


Table of Contents

In-built payslip

How to generate

The payslip can be generated from the Payroll > Current/Historical Period Reports > Payslip.

How to configure

The following configuration options are available for the in-built payslip report:

titlePayslip Laser Layout
  • Crew Selection - This involves choosing the selection of crew members for which whom you run are generating the report. It is , based on the persons individuals currently listed in the current Crew List.

  • Output - This pertains to how the payslip generation action. Three are available: e-mail. preview, distribute is generated, with three available methods: email, preview, and distribution (into Enclosed files), and both (for e-mail and distribution at the same time)as well as a combined option for both email and distribution.

  • Display Sign-on date - when enabled, an additional field for the Activating this feature will add a sign-on date is added field to the payslip for additional clarity.

  • Print Persons with no wages too - when enabled, When activated, this option ensures the report includes crew without payments as wellalso covers crew members who haven't received any payments.

  • Employer Name and Number from Current Org unit - when enabled, the employer details are picked up from the currently opened organization instead of the default behavior - from the payments Enabling this feature fetches the employer's name and number from the organization unit currently in use, diverging from the default method of obtaining them from the payment entries themselves.

  • Comment Text - when When enabled, the a common text is displayed on the payslip according to , as defined under Organization properties > Report > Payslip, is displayed on the payslip.

  • Signature - when enabledUpon activation, the a signature field is added appended to the payslip for authentication.

  • Excluded Domestic Country Code - when When enabled, the payslip excludes people individuals with specific Domestic Country CodeCodes are omitted from the payslip.

  • Show Comments - when enabled, the Comments Activating this feature adds a comments column from each payment entry is added to onto the payslip for detailed insights.

  • Include Leave Days Account - when When enabled, the it incorporates a section for leave days section is added to the payslip for the within the current month on the payslip.

  • Include Expiry Information - when enabled, the section with expiring documents is added to the payslipActivates a section on the payslip that details any expiring documents, enhancing compliance visibility.

  • Print Payment Date Instead of Today's Date - when When enabled, the report picks up the Payment Date from the payslip uses the payment date from Organization properties > Periods instead of today's datethe current date, for accuracy.

  • Print SRC number on Pay Slip - when When enabled, the SRC number field from the Personal Details is displayed in included on the payslip for identification purposes.

  • Do Not Print Alternative PIN - when enabled, Activating this option prevents the Alternative PIN field is not displayedfrom being displayed on the payslip.

  • Show Accumulator Movement - when When enabled the report , it displays the detailed Accumulator Movement details for historical, current period, and YTD TotalYear-To-Date totals. When disabled, only the current balance is shown.

  • Not Show User Defined Field - to be addedThis option, when added, will exclude user-defined fields from the report.

  • Show Period Name - when When enabled, the report shows includes the Period Name field from the Organization properties > Periods for better time frame reference.

  • Collapse Activities with the same code - when When enabled, the report merges the details of activities of the same typeactivities with identical codes are merged for a streamlined report.

  • Collapse Entry Codes with the same code and comments - when enabled, the report combines amounts/days/etc. from the same Entry Codes into one lineActivating this feature consolidates entries with identical codes and comments into a single line for simplicity.

  • Show Activity Comment - when When enabled, the Activity Comment is displayed in the payslipcomments related to each activity are included on the payslip for additional context.

  • Show Currency Rate - when enabled, the Currency Rate is displayed in the payslipActivating this will display the currency exchange rate on the payslip, useful for international crews.

  • Order By - the This setting identifies determines the order sequence in which the payslips will be generated when you run it for the are generated for a batch of crew, optimizing report organization.

  • Print Review - the option allows to add additional This feature allows for the addition of further filters to the payslips payslip report, such as Watermark and Entry Codes filter, for enhanced customization.

titlePayslip Laser Layout by Employer
  • Crew Selection - This involves choosing the selection of crew members for which whom you run are generating the report. It is , based on the persons individuals currently listed in the current Crew List.

  • Output - This pertains to how the payslip generation action. Three are available: e-mail. preview, distribute is generated, with three available methods: email, preview, and distribution (into Enclosed files), and both (for e-mail and distribution at the same time)as well as a combined option for both email and distribution.

  • Display Sign-on date - when enabled, an additional field for the Activating this feature will add a sign-on date is added field to the payslip for additional clarity.

  • Print Persons with no wages too - when enabled, When activated, this option ensures the report includes crew without payments as wellalso covers crew members who haven't received any payments.

  • Employer Name and Number from Current Org unit - when enabled, the employer details are picked up from the currently opened organization instead of the default behavior - from the payments Enabling this feature fetches the employer's name and number from the organization unit currently in use, diverging from the default method of obtaining them from the payment entries themselves.

  • Comment Text - when When enabled, the a common text is displayed on the payslip according to , as defined under Organization properties > Report > Payslip, is displayed on the payslip.

  • Signature - when enabledUpon activation, the a signature field is added appended to the payslip for authentication.

  • Excluded Domestic Country Code - when When enabled, the payslip excludes people individuals with specific Domestic Country CodeCodes are omitted from the payslip.

  • Show Comments - when enabled, the Comments Activating this feature adds a comments column from each payment entry is added to onto the payslip for detailed insights.

  • Include Leave Days Account - when When enabled, the it incorporates a section for leave days section is added to the payslip for the within the current month on the payslip.

  • Include Expiry Information - when enabled, the section with expiring documents is added to the payslipActivates a section on the payslip that details any expiring documents, enhancing compliance visibility.

  • Print Payment Date Instead of Today's Date - when When enabled, the report picks up the Payment Date from the payslip uses the payment date from Organization properties > Periods instead of today's datethe current date, for accuracy.

  • Print SRC number on Pay Slip - when When enabled, the SRC number field from the Personal Details is displayed in included on the payslip for identification purposes.

  • Show Social Security Number - when When enabled, the Social Security Number number field from the Personal Details is displayed in included on the payslip for identification purposes.

  • Show Accumulators without converting in Payment Cur. - when enabled, the Accumulators are displayed in the calculation currency, instead of the payment currency. When enabled, it displays detailed Accumulator Movement for historical, current period, and Year-To-Date totals. When disabled, only the current balance is shown. Payroll: Currency and Exchange Rate

  • Order By - the This setting identifies determines the order sequence in which the payslips will be generated when you run it for the are generated for a batch of crew, optimizing report organization.

  • Print Review - the option allows to add additional This feature allows for the addition of further filters to the payslips payslip report, such as Watermark and Entry Codes filter, for enhanced customization.

How to email

How to email a Payslipthe Payslip (Built-in report)

Customized payslip

How to upload

Before you run generating the payslip you first need to upload it to , it must first be uploaded to the system. To do thisFollow these steps:

  1. Open Navigate to General Codes > Report Generator > Customized Report Groups and create establish a separate distinct group specifically for Payslip. Set it to be used in Configure it for use within the Employee email module and link to the corresponding associate it with the appropriate document code for Payslip - to distribute . This ensures the payslip is distributed to employees the Enclosed Documents folder of employees.

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  1. Download the payslip file from our web page.
    APM Payslip Laser Layout1
    APM Payslip Laser Layout1 by Employer

  2. Upload it to the Report Generator module under the Payslip folder that we created.

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How to configure

The payslip can be generated from the Crew List > E-mail Reports.

But before you generate you need to configure it using the Manage Button.

There are The setup includes two configuration tabssections: General and Email.

  • General - here you configure In this section, you adjust the report's properties and display the appearance of dialogue window optionssettings.

  • Email - here you configure the e-mail Subject and Text to be sent In this area, you define the subject line and message content for emails directed to the crew.
    You can use various Placeholders to fetch crew details into the email textUtilize a range of placeholders to automatically populate the email with specific details about the crew members.

How to generate

The payslips Payslips are generated created based on the selection of the crew in the currently opened Crew Listcrew members selected from the Crew List that is currently open.

How to email

How to email a Payslip

See also

How to email a Payslipthe Payslip (Built-in report)