Travel Expense: Submitted for Approval per person

Travel Expense: Submitted for Approval per person


The task to inform approvers/ coordinators if there are any travel expense documents waiting their approval.


Employee Portal, Travel Expense, Waiting Approval


The notification sends out an automatic email that will inform the approver/ coordinator that there are travel expenses waiting for their approval. It sends one e-mail per document. The e-mail is sent out only once when the document is sent for approval. The check for the document state change is performed hourly.

Main data selection

All the approvers/ coordinators with documents waiting for approval with an active account in the Employee Portal.

SQL Statement

select doc.DOCUMENT_ID #DOCUMENT_ID, wf.ORIGINATOR_PIN #CREW_PIN, wf.STATE_NAME #STATUS, (case when coord.FIRSTNAME is NOT NULL THEN coord.FIRSTNAME when appr.FIRSTNAME is NOT NULL THEN appr.FIRSTNAME ELSE '' END) as #MANAGER_NAME, --'daria.chebotaieva@adonishr.com' #TEST_APPROVER_EMAIL email.TELENO #APPROVER_EMAIL /* , wf.STEP, nd.PIN COORDINARO_PIN, coord.NAME COORDINATOR_NAME, nd.RANK APPROVER_RANK, nd.DESCRIPTION CURRENT_NODE_TITLE, docves.NAME as DOCUMENT_VESSEL, apprves.NAME CHAIN_NODE_VESSEL */ from WEB_CP_DOCUMENTS doc left join WEB_CP_TRAVEL_BILLS tb on doc.DOCUMENT_ID=tb.DOCUMENT_ID left join PWORG docves on tb.VESSEL=docves.NUMORGID left join WEB_CP_WORKFLOW wf on doc.DOCUMENT_ID=wf.DOCUMENT_ID left join WEB_CP_COA2_NODE_DETAILS nd on wf.NEXT_NODE=nd.NODE_SEQUENCENO left join WEB_CP_COA_APPROVER_VESSELS av on av.NODE_SEQUENCENO=nd.SEQUENCENO left join PWORG apprves on av.VESSEL_NUMORGID=apprves.NUMORGID left join PW001P01 coord on coord.PIN=nd.PIN left join PW001P01 appr on appr.rank=nd.rank right join WEB_CP_ACCOUNT_EMPLOYEE acc on acc.pin = appr.pin LEFT JOIN PW001P0T email ON email.PIN in (coord.PIN, appr.PIN) AND email.TELETYPE = 6 AND email.TELEPRIORITY IS NOT NULL AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM PW001P0T t WHERE t.PIN = email.PIN AND t.TELETYPE = email.TELETYPE AND t.TELEPRIORITY IS NOT NULL AND ( t.TELEPRIORITY < email.TELEPRIORITY OR t.TELEPRIORITY = email.TELEPRIORITY AND t.SEQUENCENO < email.SEQUENCENO ) ) where wf.step =(select max(t.STEP) from WEB_CP_WORKFLOW t where t.DOCUMENT_ID=wf.DOCUMENT_ID group by t.DOCUMENT_ID) and wf.state=1 and tb.VESSEL=av.VESSEL_NUMORGID and wf.repl_ModifiedDate > DATEADD (HOUR , -1, dateadd(MINUTE,-1,GETDATE()))


Field Specification

#DOCUMENT_ID - ID of the document waiting for approval.

#CREW_PIN - ID of the originator PIN.

#STATUS - status of the document (submitted).

#MANAGER_NAME - full name of the approver/ coordinator.

#APPROVER_EMAIL - e-mail address of the approver/ coordinator.

#TEST_APPROVER_EMAIL - the e-mail to be used for testing purposes instead of the #APPROVER_EMAIL, the condition should be un-commented.

Sample E-mail Output


This e-mail is to inform you that the document [#DOCUMENT_ID] for [#CREW_PIN] has been [#STATUS] for approval.

For more details connect to the portal: http://…/employee.

Best regards,

Task Parameters

Recipients: can be modified depending on the customer. It can be:

  • a fixed list of emails;

  • or dynamic list retrieved from the database.

Schedule: every 60 min during the day.



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