Notification task for HACCP competence

Notification task for HACCP competence


The notification tasks checks for the crew with HACCP competence missing/ expiring in the next 90 days.


HACCP competence


The notification task sends out an automatic e-mail informing the seafarer if they have a HACCP competence that expires in the next 90 days or if the seafarer is missing the certificate according to the requirements profile so that they can renew the certificate in order to join the vessel with valid documents.

Seafarers must have existing offshore activity in the last 6 months.


  1. Go to Setup > Notification Service.


  2. Add New, give the task a name, and define time and date settings. For more details on the settings, please check Notification Service#ScheduleTask.


  3. Under the Notification E-mails tab, define the Sender email and name. Recipients will be picked up dynamically from the database. An example of a selection that can be used is shown below, please check with Adonis Support or Project Consultants if you can use the same selection.


  4. Insert Email Subject and Body. Note that you can insert screenshots, ,links and signatures to the mail body.

SQL Statement

;WITH reqdoc AS( SELECT c02.NAME RankName ,c02.CODE RankCode ,c06.CODE CertCode ,c06.[TEXT] CertName FROM PW001POSDOC POSDOC LEFT JOIN PW001C02 C02 ON C02.CODE = POSDOC.POSITION LEFT JOIN PW001POSDOC_LINK DLINK ON DLINK.POSITION = POSDOC.POSITION LEFT JOIN PW001C06 C06 ON DLINK.DOCUMENT = C06.CODE WHERE c06.CODE LIKE '%haccp%' ), records AS( SELECT p01.pin ,p01.NAME ,p01.rank ,p05.code FROM pw001p01 p01 LEFT JOIN pw001p05 p05 ON p05.pin = p01.pin AND p05.code LIKE '%haccp%' WHERE p01.employmentenddate IS NULL ), cteReq1 AS ( SELECT a.PIN ,a.NAME AS SeafarerName ,'Missing ' AS ExpiryDate ,req.CertName FROM records a JOIN reqdoc req ON req.rankcode = a.rank AND (req.certcode<>a.code OR a.code IS NULL) WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pw001p03 WHERE code = '1' AND DATEFROM>DATEADD(m ,-6 ,DATEADD(DAY ,DATEDIFF(DAY ,0 ,GETDATE()) ,0)) AND pin = a.pin ) ), cteReq2 AS( SELECT p01.PIN ,p01.[NAME] AS SeafarerName ,CONVERT(VARCHAR ,P05.EXPIRYDATE ,103) AS ExpiryDate ,c06.text AS CertName FROM pw001p01 p01 JOIN pw001p05 p05 ON p05.pin = p01.pin AND p05.code LIKE '%haccp%' JOIN pw001c06 c06 ON c06.code = p05.code AND p05.expirydate BETWEEN GETDATE() AND DATEADD(d ,90 ,DATEADD(DAY ,DATEDIFF(DAY ,0 ,GETDATE()) ,0)) WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pw001p03 WHERE code = '1' AND DATEFROM>DATEADD(m ,-6 ,DATEADD(DAY ,DATEDIFF(DAY ,0 ,GETDATE()) ,0)) AND pin = p01.pin ) ), cteFinal AS( SELECT * FROM cteReq1 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM cteReq2 ) SELECT ( SELECT ExpiryDate+CHAR(9)+' '+CertName+' '+CHAR(10) FROM cteFinal z WHERE z.pin = a.pin ORDER BY a.pin FOR XML PATH('') ) #DETAILS ,a.PIN AS #PIN ,p01.firstname+' '+p01.lastname AS #SeafarerName ,p0t.TELENO AS #Email FROM pw001p01 p01 JOIN cteFinal a ON a.PIN = p01.PIN LEFT JOIN PW001P0T P0T ON P0T.PIN = a.PIN AND P0T.TELETYPE = '6' AND P0T.TELEPRIORITY = 1

Sample E-mail

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