Birthday Wishes Notification

Birthday Wishes Notification


This notification task sends an email to all active employees with congratulations on their Birthday.




This notification task sends an email to all active employees with congratulations on their Birthday.

Sample setup

SQL Statement

SELECT p01.PIN #Pin, p01.firstname #Firstname, p01.lastname #Lastname, email.TELENO as #Email FROM pw001p01 p01 LEFT JOIN PW001P0T email ON email.PIN = p01.PIN AND email.TELETYPE = 6 AND email.TELEPRIORITY IS NOT NULL AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM PW001P0T t WHERE t.PIN = email.PIN AND t.TELETYPE = email.TELETYPE AND t.TELEPRIORITY IS NOT NULL AND ( t.TELEPRIORITY < email.TELEPRIORITY OR t.TELEPRIORITY = email.TELEPRIORITY AND t.SEQUENCENO < email.SEQUENCENO ) ) WHERE DATEPART(dd, p01.BIRTHDATE) = DATEPART(dd, GETDATE()) AND DATEPART(mm, p01.BIRTHDATE) = DATEPART(mm, GETDATE()) AND NULLIF(email.TELENO, '') IS NOT NULL AND (p01.Employmentenddate='' or p01.Employmentenddate is NULL)


Fields Desciprion






The PIN number.


The First Name of the person.


The Last Name of the person.


The e-mail of the manager(s).

Sample Email

Hi [#Firstname],

Happy Birthday!

Wishing you a memorable day and that your life is filled with love, harmony and good health during the coming year. Enjoy the adventure and stay amazing!

Yours sincerely



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