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APP 2023.31.1 - Early Access Release
Key | Summary | Release Notes |
APP-5403 | EA-04 Genarate report really slow | Applied the performance improvements on generating the Roster report |
APP-5408 | EA-09 Full screen mode leaves scaling | Applied the improvements in the Roster Planning scheduler. |
APP-5819 | EA-21 Slowness | In the Roster Planning module, applied the performance improvements on loading the main scheduler. |
APP-5821 | EA-09 Full screen mode leaves scaling | This is fixed now |
APP-5822 | PTS11 No confirm possibility | In the Roster Planning module, the Person Timesheet view is extended with the shift confirmation functionality. The system allows confirming multiple shifts. |
APP-5825 | EA-20 Graphical adjustment until 0:00 | In the Person Timesheet dialog, it is now possible to resize time blocks till the end of the day. |
APP-5832 | PTS10 Different presentation | In the Roster Person Timesheets view and the Person by Timesheet report, the time blocks are marked as Position abbr / Location abbr. |
APP-5833 | PTS17 Wrong time format | The date format selection was modified in the Assign dialog: |
APP-5938 | Add a Search bar in the Roster Cycle Assignments - Watches dialog | In the Roster Planning module -> the Watch Assignments page, the Cycle Assignment dialog is extended with a search bar for the Watches dialog. |
APP-5943 | Remove the assignments out of activity dates | In the Roster Planning module, the Remove Off-Service Timeblocks option is added to remove all time blocks that were planned out of activity dates (off-service). |
APP-5987 | PerDay method has no property to fetch the Roster rank when the crew did not have a promotion day in roster | In the Payscale Properties Table dialog, the TimeSheetDays.Day.RankCode table property is added for the TAA_ApprovedTimeSheetsPerDay and TAA_ApprovedTimesheetsPerDayAndRank methods. |
APP-5988 | Create a Gangway Control tab in APP Configuration | The Gangway Control tab was added to the Administrator Portal → Configuration -> General. The ACTIVATE GANGWAY ACTIONS button is active if there are no gangway actions for the selected Org. Unit. Once the actions are created, the button becomes inactive. |
APP-5883 | Roster totals alignment issue | The Roster Scheduler totals grid was modified to avoid alignment mismatch. |
APP-5884 | Roster Timesheet filter issue | Fixed the period filter in the Roster Timesheet view. |
APP-5308 | APP content naming issues | In Adonis Personnel Portal, applied the changes to a number of tile names to avoid name discrepancies. |