


General Codes

Before starting work with the datagroup, you should add Plan Type/Plan/Employment Statuses codes in Setup > General Codes.
Let's consider some examples :
Plan Type Codes
Go to General Codes > Benefits > Plan Type. Click the button to add a code:

Enter Code and Name.
Sort defines the order according to which the records will be displayed in drop-down list when the user will be adding benefits.
Is Passive: when set, the code becomes unavailable.
Please select the correct Insurance Company from the list.

  • The list of available items can be updated in Contacts module, setting the Insurance Company type for a record.

    See Adding Contacts section below.
    Click OK.

Adding Contacts
Open Contacts module, click button to add a contact:

Enter Name (insurance company name).
Select Insurance Company Contact Type (this contact type should be created in General Codes > Contacts > Contact Types beforehand):

Input the rest of needed information (Post, Visit, Website, etc.).
Click to save the contact.

Plan Codes
Go to General Codes > Benefits > Plan. Click button to add a code:

Enter Code and Plan Name.
Sort defines the order according to which the records will be displayed in drop-down list when the user will be adding benefits.
Is Passive: when set, the code becomes unavailable.
Select one of the available Plan Types (defined beforehand) from the list.
Input the Rate (2 decimals) & set the checkbox if Beneficiary Applicable is true.
Transaction Code can be defined for each plan. If it is defined & the person's Benefits record has Effective Date & Date To covering the current period, it will cause the auto-entry to be generated during payroll calculation. This auto-entry has a link to the Benefits datagroup record, so the new implemented field L186 can be used to fetch the Plan rate.

Click OK.

  • You can create a type of dependencies where the highest level is for Insurance Company that can have numerous Plan types linked to it.

In its turn, the Plan Type can have multiple Plans linked to it.

Employment Statuses
Go to General Codes > Benefits > Employment Status. Click button to add a code:

Enter Code and Text (full name).
Sort defines the order according to which the records will be displayed in drop-down list when the user will be adding benefits.
Is Passive: when set, the status code becomes unavailable.

Click OK.

Company Setup

Please perform setup in Organization Structure > target Company > Reports and Interfaces > US Companies > US Insurance Companies.

  • This tab is only available if National Payroll Code is set to US under Organization Structure > Company > Payroll:

Please select:

Insurance Company from drop-down list showing all records set under Contacts module (where Contact type is Insurance Company).

Plan - offers a list of plans that are linked to all plan types belonging to selected insurance company (see General Codes Setup above).

Insurance Provider/Client/Group - registering data for corresponding level.


In addition to Medical Insurance datagroup, Benefits datagroup is created for US customers to be able to store the insurance information for each person.

  • Each company in the US is required to provide insurance benefits to their employees.

Those benefits can include health insurance, retirement plans and life insurance.
Each employee can select what type of insurance plan they would like to select along with the option to include family members in the plan.

To have this datagroup available a user should have access rights set to routine 201 Benefits in Adonis Control Centre:

To access it, click icon on the Datagroups ribbon.

Adding Benefits

You can add Benefits records by clicking button under the Mange menu. Benefits Details window appears:

  1. Select Insurance Company/Plan Type/Plan from drop-down lists (depends on the dependencies that you've created in General Codes setup).

    Available Plan Types will differ depending on which Insurance Company is selected.

    Plans linked to selected type will only be available.

    Policy Number - free text field (max 25 symbols)
    Effective Date is the date of plan since employers usually start providing insurance coverage after 3 months of employment.
    Date To is the End date of the plan.
    Deductible - free text field (max 150 symbols).
    Number of Dependents - integer value (1-99).
    Annual Salary - decimal (10.2).
    Currency - selection of values defined in General Codes > Currency.
    Employment Status - as set up in General Codes > Benefits.
    Comments - free text field.

  2. Beneficiary section

    This section is only available if selected Plan Type has checkbox Beneficiary Applicable set in General Codes.

    You can add here any of person's Next Of Kin who exist in Family datagroup by clicking button on the right.
    Select Beneficiary window appears, select needed relative and click Copy Selection button.

    From ver. 2015.1, it is possible to create Next of Kin record directly from Select Beneficiary window by selecting New command from right-click menu. There is no need to switch to Family datagroup.

    It is also possible to edit details of existing Beneficiaries straight from this datagroup by double-clicking the record or selecting Open command from right-click menu (in Select Beneficiary window).

    For each Beneficiary, you can define the Percentage & Amount of Life Insurance in Beneficiary section.

    Click OK to save the record.

Adding Enclosed Documents

On saving the record, you can add an attachment to it. To do this, select the record in the grid and click the button under the Manage ribbon tab or open the record and click at the bottom of the dialog. This opens the Document dialog:

  1. Fill in the fields as below:

    Description. Enter the name of an attachment.

    Document type. From the drop-down list, select one of the types defined in Enclosed Document Codes (see Define Enclosed Documents Codes).

  2. Click New to choose between the options which allow you to attach:

    File. Click to indicate the path to the file.

    WEB link. Enter the link to be attached. In case the link protocol is not specified, the system uses the http:// protocol by default.

  3. You can scan documents directly from APM and add the digital copies to the Benefits datagroup. To do this, use one of the tips below:

    Click the Scan button. APM will try to automatically detect an installed scanner and will start scanning.

    Click the down arrow on the Scan button and select the Select Source option if you want to manually select your scanner.
    If you do not see your scanner listed in the Select Source window, then your scanner driver has not been properly installed.

There is also a possibility to edit enclosed Word and Excel documents directly in the datagroup.
Please click in the Details window and click on the next screen or just select a record and click under Manage menu.
The document will be opened, and you can edit it as you like.
When editing process is finished, you can save your changes or revert them back by answering Yes/No to the question.
To view its Properties (file name, location, size, date\time of adding and login name), click under Manage menu.

  • This attachment also will appear in Enclosed Documents and Overview datagroups.

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