Customer Release Notes v4.5

Word doc version with Jira links removed and to edit and share with customers:

Terry’s original notes including internal changes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QlD3pQMphLFOTP1gGThNpRNSwImXy7uoP7aunpVhdn0/edit?usp=sharing

Multiple correct choices with Any / All required - This feature expands the kind of questions customers can use within their assessments. Questions can now have different answer requirements including: (1) That a question has multiple correct choices, and (2) whether the student needs to select all correct choices, or just one, in order to have their response graded as correct. This feature includes changes to the question editor to allow these different modes to be selected, as well as changes to the exam/evaluation-taking process to allow the student to select multiple choices. Previously the assessment always displayed the answer choices as a radio button list and so the student could only select one choice in their response. It now will display as a checklist if multiple responses are required.

Automated filtering to restrict reports - This feature enhances permission controls for the new reporting system so users can be restricted to only see certain sets of data e.g. they can only see people in their department, or on their vessel. This feature can be controlled at per-user/per-report level. To configure this for your system please contact support@marinels.com.

Language Aware Navigation - This feature allows links in the LMS to be displayed or hidden based on the user’s language settings in the LMS, or via language information captured from the user’s browser. This feature is intended to support customers who deliver courses in multiple languages. To configure this for your system please contact support@marinels.com.

Registration Rule to register a user in a course when their certificate expires in a different course. This new rule allows registrations to be created based on a certificate expiring in another course. For example, you could register users in a “lite” refresher course when their certificate expires from a more detailed initial version they may have taken. This helps better target training time and ensure your employee's time is being used effectively.

Required By Date Rule can use Registration Types. This new rule supports scenarios in which required-by dates can depend on the type of registration e.g. a self-registration does not need a Required By Date since it is optional whereas mandatory registrations created by rules do need them.

Assessment Folding. This feature allows the sections of an assessment to be collapsed/un-collapsed automatically. This is useful in long assessments to help people navigate around. It also provides a summary of the number of questions in the section that have been completed. The setting is configured in the Assessment Repository.

Display link labels in TOC view. Link Labels can now be displayed within TOC-styled pages.

Implement a rich text editor in the Feedback Form. The LMS Feedback form has been updated to allow limited formatting to be used in the feedback comments. This will help users provide more detail and context in their feedback.

Disable contact email and name updates by users. This feature supports customers who do not want their users to be able to change their contact emails and/or name to ensure accurate reporting.

Download Registration Matrix - This feature allows customers to directly download the registration rules matrix for a given course or set of courses. This will make it easier to understand the current rules on a course and make updates that can be provided to support@marinels.com for configuration. The feature is found in the Registration Report. Like the registration report, the matrix export will return data for all courses within the part of the LMS you have accessed it from e.g. at the home page you will get all courses but if you on a specific course you will get rules for that course.

Registration and Grades Reports - This new report is intended to function as a replacement for the existing Grades By Student report in the LMS. As a Seal report, it is able to take advantage of the filtering environment supported for all Seal reports.

Reports: New filters available for Role, Division, Location, Current Status and Posting Rank to Reports and Sub Reports. This feature adds additional information to the indicated reports.

Add button to exams to support "save and continue". The goal of this task is to support an assessment workflow where users might want to save their answers and continue later. These exams would consist of a series of questions that the student would respond to, possibly over a period of time. For example, the exam might consist of a checklist of items that the student was expected to complete. The main part of this feature is that the “save and continue” button avoids marking the exam as complete, and allows the student to easily return to it in the future. There is a setting in Assessment Editor to control this:

Show Question Category Headers in Exam Report. This feature provides better consistency between the UI for taking exams, and the UI for displaying a completed exam (or evaluation). If the exam/eval was taken with category headers being shown to the user, then when an instructor/admin views the completed exam, it will also show the category headers and ordering there.

Registration Report CSV: Add Required By Date and Course Path. Columns for the indicated values were added to the Export to CSV from the Registration Report.

New notification for change in RequiredBy date. Changes in the required by date will now generate a notification. Contact support@marinels.com if you would like to enable this for any of your courses.

Deleted users no longer appear in the Certificate Expiry Report

ILT: Add completion date to attendee list. The attendee list grid now shows the user’s registration completion date if they have one. This is to make it easier to see if a user actually has a completed registration or if they have just had an Attendance recorded.

Grade Report includes all assessment grade averages. This report was only showing exam data. It has been updated to include all types of grades so customers can review performance in all courses.

Reports show blank screen when no results. A specific message is now shown indicating that there are no results.