How to add "Arbeidsforhold"
This article explains how to add “Arbeidsforhold” in Adonis HR.
You can read more about what information and how it should be included on the Norwegian Tax Authorities own home pages.
In Adonis HR the “Arbeidsforhold” information is added to each individual person under Datagroups | Personal Details and the Employment tab.
When to add a new Arbeidsforhold
It is not always necessary to create a new “Arbeidsforhold” even if some of the information on it changes. It is the receiving authorities that decide when a new one is needed.
According to A-melding newsletter from October 2022, a new “Arbeidsfordhold” should not be created if the rank changes. Please see the actual newsletter and A-melding guide for when a new “Arbeidsforhold” should be created.
The following changes should not result in a new arbeidsforhold, but instead just be overwritten in the month it changes:
“Arbeidsforhold” Details
The screen and fields available can differ depending on the type of “Arbeidsforhold” selected.
ID - Each Arbeidsforhold must have a unique ID per person.
Example ID 1 can be used on another person, but not if you need to add a new Arbeidsforhold to the same person.Type - The types are predefined and the user needs to select the type that is the correct for the person in question.
Virksomhet - One company can have different “Virksomheter”, and the correct one can be selected here.
Startdato - Start date for the “Arbeidsforhold”.
Sluttdato - End date for the “Arbeidsforhold”. See A-melding guide for when the end date should be set and a new Arbeidsforhold should be created.
Aarsak sluttdato - Reason for end date. The reasons are predefined by Skatteetaten and is not possible to change in Adonis HR. If you can’t find a reason that is applicable for you, then you might want to check if you should end it in the first place.
Arbeidstidsordning - Select correct work shift or no shift. These are predefined and if you can’t find a match then use “ikkeSkift” = No Shift
Ansettelsesform - The types are predefined and must be selected based on the person’s contract type
Stillingsprosent - Add the position fraction of the person
Yrkeskode - The codes should be defined on each Rank in General Codes.
Antall timer per uke som en full stilling tilsvarer - Add the number of hours per week for a full time position
Lonnsansiennitet - Add the start date for the person's seniority start
Siste lonnsendringsdato - Add the date the person last had a change in their wage
Siste dato for stillingsprosentendring - Add the employment start date if the person hasn’t had any changes in his position fraction
Skipsregister - Select the ship register the person is currently sailing on from the predefined dropdown
Skipstype - Select the ship type the person is currently sailing on from the predefined dropdown
Fartsomrade - Select the area of sailing the person is currently on from the predefined dropdown
Registration of Leave or Lay Offs
You can read more about registering Leave or Lay off in the A-melding guide here:
In Adonis HR you register the Leave or Layoff on the active “Arbeidsforhold” as found in this manual:
Default company values
From version 2022.20 it is possible to define some default values for each new “Arbeidsforhold” that is created.
Go to Setup | Organization
Select your company and go to “Norsk innrapportering”
The available fields to set as default are:
Arbeidsforhold Type
Antall time per uke som en full stilling tilsvarer
All fields can be manually overwritten on each person when creating a new “Arbeidsforhold”.