How to add Reporter of A-melding
This article provides you a step-by-step guide, on how to add a reporter in Adonis HR in the A-melding plugin to be able to send A-melding
To enable a user in APM to send A-melding the first time, the following steps needs to be done:
Open A-melding plugin by going to Tools > Export > A-Melding and press the “A-melding” button.
Next to the “User” field, click the button as showed in the screenshot:
In the EDAG Reporter window, click "Add Reporter" in the bottom of the window:
Add Reporter window appears:
When done, press Save button, returning to EDAG Reporter window. Close the EDAG Reporter window.
Select the User by pressing the drop down as shown below:
User is now ready to submit A-melding, and can Authenticate, check Corresponsences and roll back A-melding (if required).