Onboard Payscale and Rank

Onboard Payscale and Rank


The Onboard Payscale and Rank datagroup is used to register the history of payscale/rank changes.
It's in contrast when a user can check only which payscale table/rank is assigned to a person currently in Personal Details.

To make it visible and accessible on Datagroups ribbon, select Use datagroup to change onboard payscale and rank option in Global Options > Modules > Payroll:

  • When the datagroup is enabled, the following fields in Personal Details datagroup become not editable:
    Payscale table, Payscale, Use Current Payscale Until, Payroll Seniority Start and Payroll Seniority End, Pre-earned years (Seniority section):

Current Rank (Employment section):

Otherwise, if the option is not selected, Onboard Payscale and Rank datagroup is not available on the main menu.

The New Payscale button and Seniority Date From field are not editable in the Personal details > Seniority tab:


To open the datagroup select icon on the Datagroups ribbon.
You will see all records that were created for the person:

The Manage menu is standard:

  • A new button creates a new record;

  • Delete button removes it (you can delete only historical records);

  • Open button lets view an existing record.

Click button to create a new record. In the window that will appear:

Define the Date when a new pay scale starts.
Click OK.

  • Current pay scale will be terminated 1 day before the new one starts

Onboard Payscale and Rank Details window will be shown:

Define Payscale data, Rank, Seniority dates and other necessary information.
Click OK.

  • The new record will appear in the datagroup.

  • The new pay scale will start acting according to the dates defined.

  • The previous record will become historical:

Date From/To is used to define seniority in the company.

Seniority Start/End is used to refer to previous experience outside of your company.

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