AWR Add Workflow Stage

AWR Add Workflow Stage

On adding an application workflow, you can now customize it based on your specific needs. Before proceeding, make sure the application workflow is available in the Workflow Set Up page:

Now, select the application workflow to be affected and proceed with the steps below:

  1. Hover the mouse cursor over the selected application workflow to view the Edit command. Clicking the command opens the Stages of Workflow page:

  2. On the page, click the Add stage button on the left-hand side of the page. This opens the Add stage dialog where you can customize the default application workflow by adding a stage:

  3. Within the dialog, fill in the fields as described below:

    • Stage name. Enter the name of the stage.

    • Manager timeline text. Enter the message to be displayed in the manager timeline.

    • Applicant timeline text. Enter the message that will appear in the applicant timeline once he/she moves to the stage:

    • Applying procedure status. Enter the status of the application procedure. For example: EXCEPTED.

    • Application template. From the drop-down list, select the application template containing a message to sent to an applicant once he enters the stage.

    • Email template. From the drop-down list, select a template containing a message to be sent to an applicant.

    • Applicants in this stage are to be imported into APM. Select the checkbox if you want to export applicants to APM in this stage.

  4. Once completed, click Ok to proceed.

As a result, a new stage appears on the Stages of Workflow page:

To confirm adding a new stage, click Save on the left-hand side of the page.


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