AWR Publishing Vacancies
This section describes the service allowing to get a list of vacancies as a JSON object. The object may be embedded into a customer site as well as customized in accordance with the website style.
The service is specifically intended for customers willing to publish vacancies on their websites considering the website design.
To access the service, use the following URL: http://<AWR hostname>//VacancyListService.ashx. Now, add the vacancy layout ID to the URL query string. This data should be given as a parameter/ID number pair after a question mark, e.g. http://<AWR hostname>/VacancyListService.ashx?l=<layout ID>.
Layout ID number is automatically assigned on creating a layout. To check the layout ID for a certain layout, in the Administrator module, go to Vacancies on Layouts and refer to the URL to calling layout field. The URL consists of the following components: http://<AWR hostname>/<layout ID>/Default.aspx, where <layout ID> is the ID number you should pass to the URL query string.
As a result, the service returns the following structure:
The “applyLink” is a link that an applicant will use to apply for a position.
The “detailsLink” is a link that opens an attached link with the vacancy description.