AWR General Settings

AWR General Settings

The section is a detailed description of the settings you can configure.

Click the General Settings to see the Settings page. This provides a single space with all the settings in Adonis Web Recruitment.



By selecting the Applicants have to agree with GDPR compliance option, an administrator makes an applicant agree with the law. In case an applicant does not accept the GDPR terms and conditions, the registration will not be successful.

In case an applicant got registered before the upgrade and, therefore, did not accept the GDPR, he/she would be asked to accept GDPR when logging in.


Email service

  • Email server. Enter the server address used to send emails. If maintained by Adonis, enter the Adonis server address.

  • Sender Address for automatically sent emails. Enter an email address you would like to be used for sending emails to applicants.

  • Use SSL. Select the checkbox to ensure a secure connection is used to protect personal data while communicating over the internet.

  • Use SMTP authentication. Turn on the SMTP authentication and enter your account's SMTP username and set SMTP password:


SMS service

Enable SMS service. Select the option to turn on the SMS authentication and enter your SMS service username and set password:


APM Pins range

Once applicants are accepted, they can be exported to APM. To ensure that pin numbers of applicants do not coincide with existing pin numbers of persons in Adonis, you need to check the existing Site Numbers in Adonis Control Centre. Check what are the pin number sequences for existing sites.

Define Pin Start and Pin End in such a way that the pin range does not coincide with existing pins.


Files and Folders

  • Maximum allowed size of uploaded file. Set the maximum size of attachments that an applicant can upload into the system.

  • Output folder displays the path for storing log files (sent messages, failed transactions). The directory is determined during the installation and may be modified in the Output folder field.

The output folder is intended for administrative purposes. Before changing the directory, contact your database administrator.


Contact information

You can enter a text message which will include any contact information you would like to make available for applicants, e.g. a telephone number, email address. The added information will be displayed on the Contact us webpage.



  • Convert applicants’ names to uppercase during export to APM. Select the option to convert all lowercase letters to uppercase when exporting records to APM.

  • Open Vacancies in new window. Select the option to make every vacancy open in a new browser tab.

  • Customer logo. Add a logo that you want to be displayed to users.


Once everything is set up, click Save for the changes to take effect.

To get back to the main screen, click the Main Panel button in the upper left corner.


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