AWR Form Element Properties

AWR Form Element Properties

To view element properties, first drag and drop an element to the application form area.

You can change the properties for most of form elements or fields. Before setting the properties, select the required field. Once selected, a small pop-up window appears on the bottom right-hand side corner of the application form:

To move the Properties pop-up window, simply point to the header and drag the window when a hand cursor appears.

The following properties are available:

  • Label is a caption which appears right above a field.

  • Placeholder is a short hint that describes the expected value of an input field.

  • Required, if selected, makes a field required to be filled out. Mandatory fields are then marked with asterisks.

  • Error text if empty (available if the Required property is selected) contains an error message to be displayed in case a required field is empty.

  • Display as (available for Home Airport, Marital Status, Apply for position, Foreign Language, Address Country, Shoe Size Unit, Veteran Status, Race, NOK Sex, NOK Country, NOK Relationship, NOK Nationality, Nationality, Country of Birth, Sex) is used to present an expandable list of choices by selecting among graphical control elements: drop-down list, checkbox, radio group.

  • Sub-fields (available for Add new certificate, Add new travel document, Add new medical document, Add experience record). Click Edit to define the sub-fields for the appropriate fields.

  • Add button caption (available for Add experience record, Add new certificate, Add new travel document, Add new medical document) specifies the button name.

  • Accept (available for Upload your CV) allows adding extensions to import files.

  • Text (available only for Static text) allows adding a text message.

By default, the Label and Placeholder property names contain the identical values. You can customize the values based on your needs.


Once completed setting properties, click Save to confirm the modifications.

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