AWR Create Layout
An administrator needs to create at least one layout, containing a certain number of vacancies, define what certificates applicants must possess, what criteria they need to fulfill, etc.
To get started, click Vacancies on Layouts on the main page. On accessing the tool, you can view a set of already created layouts on the Layouts panel, preset layout settings on the Details tab and different open positions associated with a certain layout on the Vacancy tab:
To create a layout, click New at the bottom of the Layouts panel. Clicking the New button enables the fields on the Details tab where you can set up markup preferences:
Name. Enter the layout name.
Header. Specify the text that will be displayed as a subject of the layout.
Visible Columns. From the drop-down list, select the columns to be displayed in the layout.
Footer. Specify the text that will appear at the bottom of the layout.
Layout style. From the drop-down list, select between the following options: Headline mode and Grid mode. Headline mode is a standard layout style. Grid mode allows presenting a layout as a grid.
Layout alignment. From the drop-down list, select between the following options: Center, Left, Right. This aligns and starts the layout text in the middle/left/right margin on the page, respectively.
URL to calling layout. Each layout has a separate URL which is automatically added to the URL to calling layout field. This link is placed on a customer's web site. Clicking the link redirects an applicant to a certain layout that contains its associated open positions.
Highlighted fields are mandatory.
Besides, on the right most side of the Details tab, you can find a number of column names which you can rename. Simply select a column name you would like to rename and enter a new name:
To cancel the previous action, click Undo.
Once completed defining the settings, click Save for the changes to take effect.