AWR Assign Positions
While adding a vacancy, make sure you have specified the required positions. For this, switch to the Positions tab to specify the positions/ranks that suit the vacancy:
To add a position:
Select a position in the Available box.
Click a right-pointing arrow to move it to the Selected Positions box.
Click Save to confirm the changes.
To cancel the previous action, click Undo.
To move a certain document back to the Available box, select a document and click a left-pointing arrow.
Make sure you have imported the Positions general codes from APM. Otherwise, there will be empty records for selection. For more information on how to import general codes, see Codes Import from APM.
On selecting the positions, you can define required competences for each position. To do this, first select a position in the Selected Positions box and click the Configure Documents button:
To add a certificate:
Select a position in the Available box.
Click a right-pointing arrow to move it to the Required Certificates box.
Click Save to confirm or Cancel to abort the changes.