AWR Assign Documents

AWR Assign Documents

Web Recruitment enables you to add a set of the required documents to a vacancy. Before adding the documents, make sure the Medicals and Travels general codes are imported from APM. Otherwise, there will be empty records for selection.


Medical Documents

Now, switch to the Medical Documents tab to determine which medical documents are required for the current vacancy:

To add a required medical document:

  1. Select a document in the Available box.

  2. Click a right-pointing arrow to move it to the Required Documents box.

  3. Click Save to confirm the changes.

To cancel the previous action, click Undo.

To move a certain document back to the Available box, select a document and click a left-pointing arrow.


Travel Documents

Switch to the Travel Documents tab to determine which travel documents are required for the current vacancy:

To add a required travel document:

  1. Select a document in the Available box.

  2. Click a right-pointing arrow to move it to the Required Documents box.

  3. Click Save to confirm the changes.

To cancel the previous action, click Undo.

To move a certain document back to the Available box, select a document and click a left-pointing arrow.


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