Career Navigator Notifications
The CN system adds any writes to the data (DB) into the Logs (auditLog table). It does not log read only actions. Only Create/Update/Delete will be logged.
The write commands are:
- MentorshipCreated - A user creates a request to be Mentored
- MentorshipApproved - A Mentorship request is approved
- MentorshipRemoved - A Mentorship is removed
- MentorshipProfileAllowed - When a user is marked as willing/able to mentor
- MentorshipProfileDisallowed - When a user is removed as willing/able to mentor
- SupervisorCreated - When a user has a supervisor added to his profile
- SupervisorRemoved - When a user has a supervisor removed from his profile.
- SuperviseeCreated - When a supervisor has a supervisee added to their profile.
- SuperviseeRemoved - When a supervisor has a supervisee removed from their profile.
- ProfilePictureUpdated - When a user updates their profile picture
- ProfileUpdated - When a user makes a change to their profile (e.g. email, work history, etc...)
- CommentCreated - When a user makes a comment on a task or discussion
- CommentRemoved - When a user marks a comment as deleted on a task or discussion
- AssessmentCreated - When a supervisory creates an assessment on a task
- AssessmentRemoved - When a supervisory deletes an assessment on a task
- CompAssignmentCreated - When a completion of an assignment (task) is created
- CompAssignmentUpdated - When a completed task gets updated
- CompAssignmentRemoved - When a completed task is removed/deleted.
- JobAssignmentCreated - When a task is assigned with specific jobs (e.g. with a Vessel)
- JobAssignmentUpdated - When a task with specific jobs is updated
- JobAssignmentRemoved - When a task with specific jobs is updated
- CompHeldCreated - When a user is marked as completed on a task
- CompHeldRemoved - When a user previously marked as completed on a task is revoked.
- MentorshipProtegeRemoved - When a mentorship protege is removed/deleted
- CompGroupHeldCreated - When a user is marked as completed on a grouped task (multiple tasks that are bundled)
- WishListTaskDiscarded - When a user removes a task from their wishlist
- WishListTaskCreated - When a user adds a task to their wishlist
- CompletedTaskCreated - When a task that has been completed is added to the user profile.
- CompletedTaskDiscarded - When a task that has been marked completed is removed from the user profile.
Email Notifications
In addition to logging all write commands select notifications will also trigger an email to the affected users. The following actions will trigger an email:
- MentorshipCreated
- MentorshipProfileAllowed
- MentorshipApproved
- SuperviseeCreated
- SupervisorCreated
- SuperviseeRemoved
- CommentCreated
- AssessmentCreated
- CompAssignmentCreated
- JobAssignmentCreated
- CompHeldCreated
- CompHeldRemoved
- CompGroupHeldCreated