cmi.core._children (student_id, student_name, lesson_location, credit, lesson_status, entry, score, total_time, lesson_mode, exit, session_time, RO) Listing of supported data model elements
cmi.core.student_id (CMIString (SPM: 255), RO) Identifies the student on behalf of whom the SCO was launched
cmi.core.student_name (CMIString (SPM: 255), RO) Name provided for the student by the LMS
cmi.core.lesson_location (CMIString (SPM: 255), RW) The learner’s current location in the SCO (“credit”, “no-credit”, RO) Indicates whether the learner will be credited for performance in the SCO
cmi.core.lesson_status (“passed”, “completed”, “failed”, “incomplete”, “browsed”, “not attempted”, RW) Indicates whether the learner has completed and satisfied the requirements for the SCO
cmi.core.entry (“ab-initio”, “resume”, “”, RO) Asserts whether the learner has previously accessed the SCO
cmi.core.score_children (raw,min,max, RO) Listing of supported data model elements
cmi.core.score.raw (CMIDecimal, RW) Number that reflects the performance of the learner relative to the range bounded by the values of min and max
cmi.core.score.max (CMIDecimal, RW) Maximum value in the range for the raw score
cmi.core.score.min (CMIDecimal, RW) Minimum value in the range for the raw score
cmi.core.total_time (CMITimespan, RO) Sum of all of the learner’s session times accumulated in the current learner attempt
cmi.core.lesson_mode (“browse”, “normal”, “review”, RO) Identifies one of three possible modes in which the SCO may be presented to the learner
cmi.core.exit (“time-out”, “suspend”, “logout”, “”, WO) Indicates how or why the learner left the SCO
cmi.core.session_time (CMITimespan, WO) Amount of time that the learner has spent in the current learner session for this SCO
cmi.suspend_data (CMIString (SPM: 4096), RW) Provides space to store and retrieve data between learner sessions
cmi.launch_data (CMIString (SPM: 4096), RO) Data provided to a SCO after launch, initialized from the dataFromLMS manifest element
cmi.comments (CMIString (SPM: 4096), RW) Textual input from the learner about the SCO
cmi.comments_from_lms (CMIString (SPM: 4096), RO) Comments or annotations associated with a SCO
cmi.objectives._children (id,score,status, RO) Listing of supported data model elements
cmi.objectives._count (non-negative integer, RO) Current number of objectives being stored by the LMS (CMIIdentifier, RW) Unique label for the objective
cmi.objectives.n.score._children (raw,min,max, RO) Listing of supported data model elements
cmi.objectives.n.score.raw (CMIDecimal, RW) Number that reflects the performance of the learner, for the objective, relative to the range bounded by the values of min and max
cmi.objectives.n.score.max (CMIDecimal, Rw) Maximum value, for the objective, in the range for the raw score
cmi.objectives.n.score.min (CMIDecimal, RW) Minimum value, for the objective, in the range for the raw score
cmi.objectives.n.status (“passed”, “completed”, “failed”, “incomplete”, “browsed”, “not attempted”, RW) Indicates whether the learner has completed or satisfied the objective
cmi.student_data._children (mastery_score, max_time_allowed, time_limit_action, RO) Listing of supported data model elements
cmi.student_data.mastery_score (CMIDecimal, RO) Passing score required to master the SCO
cmi.student_data.max_time_allowed (CMITimespan, RO) Amount of accumulated time the learner is allowed to use a SCO
cmi.student_data.time_limit_action (exit,message,” “exit,no message”,” continue,message”, “continue, no message”, RO) Indicates what the SCO should do when max_time_allowed is exceeded
cmi.student_preference._children (audio,language,speed,text, RO) Listing of supported data model elements (CMISInteger, RW) Specifies an intended change in perceived audio level
cmi.student_preference.language (CMIString (SPM: 255), RW) The student’s preferred language for SCOs with multilingual capability
cmi.student_preference.speed (CMISInteger, RW) The learner’s preferred relative speed of content delivery
cmi.student_preference.text (CMISInteger, RW) Specifies whether captioning text corresponding to audio is displayed
cmi.interactions._children(id,objectives,time,type,correct_responses,weighting,student_response,result,latency, RO) Listing of supported data model elements
cmi.interactions._count (CMIInteger, RO) Current number of interactions being stored by the LMS (CMIIdentifier, WO) Unique label for the interaction
cmi.interactions.n.objectives._count (CMIInteger, RO) Current number of objectives (i.e., objective identifiers) being stored by the LMS for this interaction (CMIIdentifier, WO) Label for objectives associated with the interaction
cmi.interactions.n.time (CMITime, WO) Point in time at which the interaction was first made available to the student for student interaction and response
cmi.interactions.n.type (“true-false”, “choice”, “fill-in”, “matching”, “performance”, “sequencing”, “likert”, “numeric”, WO) Which type of interaction is recorded
cmi.interactions.n.correct_responses._count (CMIInteger, RO) Current number of correct responses being stored by the LMS for this interaction
cmi.interactions.n.correct_responses.n.pattern (format depends on interaction type, WO) One correct response pattern for the interaction
cmi.interactions.n.weighting (CMIDecimal, WO) Weight given to the interaction relative to other interactions
cmi.interactions.n.student_response (format depends on interaction type, WO) Data generated when a student responds to an interaction
cmi.interactions.n.result (“correct”, “wrong”, “unanticipated”, “neutral”, “x.x [CMIDecimal]”, WO) Judgment of the correctness of the learner response
cmi.interactions.n.latency (CMITimespan, WO) Time elapsed between the time the interaction was made available to the learner for response and the time of the first response