All: Scan not valid

All: Scan not valid


The view shows if there are any documents with not verified scans: where the “Validity of Scan” in set to “N”.


Documents, Scan


The view shows if there are any documents with not valid scans: where the “Validity of Scan” in set to “N” for the employed crew/ staff.

View Sample

Mail data selection

All crew members employed under the current organization and units below that have at least one document (Travel, Medical, Competence) without invalid scan.

SQL Statement

VIEWID should be substituted with the id of the crew list view that you are creating in your system e.g. PW001SRV20 etc.

-- 9/6/2023 4:05:29 PM CREATE VIEW dbo.PW001SRV54 AS SELECT MISS_DOC.PIN AS PIN, MISS_DOC.ALTERNATIVEPIN AS 'ALTERNATIVE PIN', MISS_DOC.Full_Name AS 'Full Name', MISS_DOC.First_Name AS 'First Name', MISS_DOC.Last_Name AS 'Last Name', MISS_DOC.Middle_Name 'Middle Name', MISS_DOC.Organization AS 'Organization', MISS_DOC.Rank AS 'Rank', MISS_DOC.DOC_TYPE AS 'Document type', MISS_DOC.Document_Code AS 'Document Code', MISS_DOC.Document_Name AS 'Document Name', MISS_DOC.Date_Issued AS 'Date Issued', MISS_DOC.Expiry_Date AS 'Expiry Date', MISS_DOC.COMMENTS, MISS_DOC.NUMORGID AS NUMORGID, MISS_DOC.EMPLOYMENTSTARTDATE, MISS_DOC.EMPLOYMENTENDDATE, MISS_DOC.[Department/Cost Place Code], MISS_DOC.[Department/Cost Place] FROM ( --Competence Documents SELECT P01.PIN AS PIN, P01.ALTERNATIVEPIN, P01.NAME AS Full_Name, P01.FIRSTNAME AS First_Name, P01.LASTNAME AS Last_Name, P01.MIDDLENAME Middle_Name, ORG.NAME AS Organization, C02.[NAME] AS RANK, 'Competence' AS DOC_TYPE, C06.CODE AS Document_Code, C06.[TEXT] AS Document_Name, P05.DATEFROM AS Date_Issued, P05.EXPIRYDATE AS EXPIRY_DATE, P05.COMMENTS, P05.scanneddocno AS SCAN, P05.SCANVALIDITY AS SCAN_Validity, P01.CLIENT AS NUMORGID, P01.EMPLOYMENTSTARTDATE, P01.EMPLOYMENTENDDATE, doc.[DOCUMENT], p01.COSTPLACE AS 'Department/Cost Place Code', c43.[NAME] AS 'Department/Cost Place' FROM PW001P01 P01 JOIN PW001P05 P05 ON P05.PIN = P01.PIN LEFT JOIN PWORG ORG ON ORG.NUMORGID = P01.CLIENT LEFT JOIN PW001C06 C06 ON C06.CODE = P05.CODE LEFT JOIN PW001C02 C02 ON C02.CODE = P01.[RANK] LEFT JOIN PW001OLEDOCS doc ON doc.DOCNO = p05.scanneddocno LEFT JOIN PW001C43 c43 ON c43.CODE = p01.COSTPLACE UNION ALL --Medical Documents 08/08/2022 SELECT P01.PIN AS PIN, P01.ALTERNATIVEPIN, P01.NAME AS Full_Name, P01.FIRSTNAME AS First_Name, P01.LASTNAME AS Last_Name, P01.MIDDLENAME Middle_Name, ORG.NAME AS Organization, C02.[NAME] AS RANK, 'Medical' AS DOC_TYPE, C24.CODE AS Document_Code, C24.[TEXT] AS Document_Name, P07.DATEISSUED AS Date_Issued, P07.EXPIRYDATE AS EXPIRY_DATE, P07.COMMENTS, P07.scanneddocno AS SCAN, P07.SCANVALIDITY AS SCAN_Validity, P01.CLIENT AS NUMORGID, P01.EMPLOYMENTSTARTDATE, P01.EMPLOYMENTENDDATE, doc.[DOCUMENT], p01.COSTPLACE AS 'Department/Cost Place Code', c43.[NAME] AS 'Department/Cost Place' FROM PW001P07 P07 LEFT JOIN PW001P01 P01 ON P01.PIN = P07.PIN LEFT JOIN PWORG ORG ON ORG.NUMORGID = P01.CLIENT LEFT JOIN PW001C24 C24 ON C24.CODE = P07.CODE LEFT JOIN PW001C02 C02 ON C02.CODE = P01.RANK LEFT JOIN PW001OLEDOCS doc ON doc.DOCNO = p07.scanneddocno LEFT JOIN PW001C43 c43 ON c43.CODE = p01.COSTPLACE UNION ALL --Travel Documents SELECT P01.PIN AS PIN, P01.ALTERNATIVEPIN, P01.NAME AS Full_Name, P01.FIRSTNAME AS First_Name, P01.LASTNAME AS Last_Name, P01.MIDDLENAME Middle_Name, ORG.NAME AS Organization, C02.[NAME] AS RANK, 'Travel' AS DOC_TYPE, C23.CODE AS Document_Code, C23.VISATYPE AS Document_Name, P08.DATEFROM AS Date_Issued, P08.DATETO AS EXPIRY_DATE, P08.COMMENTS, P08.scanneddocno AS SCAN, P08.SCANVALIDITY AS SCAN_Validity, P01.CLIENT AS NUMORGID, P01.EMPLOYMENTSTARTDATE, P01.EMPLOYMENTENDDATE, doc.[DOCUMENT], p01.COSTPLACE AS 'Department/Cost Place Code', c43.[NAME] AS 'Department/Cost Place' FROM PW001P08 P08 LEFT JOIN PW001P01 P01 ON P01.PIN = P08.PIN LEFT JOIN PWORG ORG ON ORG.NUMORGID = P01.CLIENT LEFT JOIN PW001C23 C23 ON C23.CODE = P08.CODE LEFT JOIN PW001C02 C02 ON C02.CODE = P01.RANK LEFT JOIN PW001OLEDOCS doc ON doc.DOCNO = p08.scanneddocno LEFT JOIN PW001C43 c43 ON c43.CODE = p01.COSTPLACE ) AS MISS_DOC WHERE (MISS_DOC.SCAN_Validity = 0 AND SCAN IS NOT NULL) OR (MISS_DOC.SCAN_Validity = 1 AND DOCUMENT IS NULL)

Field Specification


Description/ Location in APM


Description/ Location in APM



Full Name

Full name of the person in Perosonal Details.

First Name

First name of the person in Perosonal Details.

Last Name

Last name of the person in Perosonal Details.

Middle Name

Middle name of the person in Perosonal Details.


Current employment organization of the person in Perosonal Details.


Current Rank of the person in Perosonal Details.

Document Type

The type of document without scan linked to the selected crew.

Document Code

The code of the document record linked to the selected crew.

Document Name

The name of the document record linked to the selected crew.

Date Issued

The date from of the document record linked to the selected crew.

Expiry Date

The expert date of the document record linked to the selected crew.


The comments added to the document record linked to the selected crew.

Additional Information


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