Onboard: Birthday View

Onboard: Birthday View


The view shows the crew members' birthday information and highlights the nearest upcoming dates with some colors. Only the crew members who are currently onboard are included.




Crew List View


The view shows the crew members' birthday information and highlights the nearest upcoming dates with some colors. Only the crew members who are currently onboard are included.

View Sample

Main Data Selection

All crew members that are currently on board.

SQL statement

CREATE VIEW dbo.PW001SRV134 AS SELECT p01.pin AS PIN, P01.ALTERNATIVEPIN AS 'ALTERNATIVE PIN', CASE WHEN p01.sex = 'M' THEN 'Mr' WHEN p01.sex = 'F' THEN 'Mrs' END AS Gender, p01.NAME AS 'Full Name', p01.FIRSTNAME AS 'First Name', p01.MIDDLENAME AS 'Middle Name', p01.LASTNAME AS 'Last Name', DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy, p01.birthdate, GETDATE()), birthdate) 'Celebration Date', MONTH(p01.birthdate) AS 'Month Nr', DATENAME( mm, DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy, p01.birthdate, GETDATE()), p01.birthdate) ) MONTH, CONVERT( INT, DATENAME( d, DATEADD(YY, DATEDIFF(YY, P01.BIRTHDATE, GETDATE()), BIRTHDATE) ) ) AS DATE, DATENAME( wk, DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy, p01.birthdate, GETDATE()), birthdate) ) Week, DATENAME( weekday, DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy, p01.birthdate, GETDATE()), birthdate) ) DAY, DATEDIFF(yy, p01.birthdate, GETDATE()) Age, p01.Birthdate, p01.COUNTRYOFBIRTH + ' - ' + COUNTRY.COUNTRYNAME AS 'Country / Location', PCAB.Cabin, POS.NAME AS Position, P0T.TELENO AS Email, mob.Teleno AS 'Mobile Phone', p01.RANK AS 'Current Rank', p01.Client numorgid, VSL.NUMORGID AS vessel_numorgid, p01.EmploymentStartDate, p01.EmploymentEnddate, p01.COSTPLACE AS 'Department/Cost Place Code', c43.[NAME] AS 'Department/Cost Place' FROM dbo.pw001p01 p01 JOIN dbo.PW001P03 P03 ON P01.PIN = P03.PIN AND ISNULL(P03.PLANNED,'N') <> 'Y' AND (P03.DATETO IS NULL OR P03.DATETO >= GETDATE()) AND P03.DATEFROM <= GETDATE() LEFT JOIN Pw001C12 act ON act.code = p03.code JOIN PWORG VSL ON VSL.NUMORGID = dbo.ad_scanorgtree(P03.NUMORGID, 3) LEFT JOIN dbo.PWORG DEP ON DEP.NUMORGID = dbo.ad_scanorgtree(P03.NUMORGID, 4) LEFT JOIN dbo.PWORG POS ON POS.NUMORGID = dbo.ad_scanorgtree(P03.NUMORGID, 5) LEFT JOIN dbo.PWORGVESCAB PCAB ON PCAB.CABINID = p03.cabinid LEFT JOIN PWCOUNTRY COUNTRY ON P01.COUNTRYOFBIRTH = COUNTRY.COUNTRYCODE LEFT JOIN PW001C43 c43 ON c43.CODE = p01.COSTPLACE LEFT JOIN PW001P0T P0T ON ( (P01.PIN = P0T.PIN) AND (P0T.TELETYPE = 6) AND (NOT P0T.TELEPRIORITY IS NULL) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT SEQUENCENO FROM PW001P0T P0T2 WHERE (P0T.PIN = P0T2.PIN) AND (P0T2.TELETYPE = 6) AND ( (P0T2.TELEPRIORITY < P0T.TELEPRIORITY) OR ( (P0T2.TELEPRIORITY = P0T.TELEPRIORITY) AND (P0T2.SEQUENCENO < P0T.SEQUENCENO) ) ) ) ) LEFT JOIN PW001P0T mob ON ( (P01.PIN = mob.PIN) AND (mob.TELETYPE = 3) AND (NOT mob.TELEPRIORITY IS NULL) AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT SEQUENCENO FROM PW001P0T mob2 WHERE (mob.PIN = mob2.PIN) AND (mob2.TELETYPE = 3) AND ( (mob2.TELEPRIORITY < mob.TELEPRIORITY) OR ( (mob2.TELEPRIORITY = mob.TELEPRIORITY) AND (mob2.SEQUENCENO < mob.SEQUENCENO) ) ) ) ) WHERE act.OPTIONS LIKE '%S%'


Columns Specification


Description/ Location in APM


Description/ Location in APM


The PIN number from the Personal Details.


The Gender number from the Personal Details.

Full Name

The Full Name from the Personal Details.

First Name

The First Name from the Personal Details.

Middle Name

The Middle Name from the Personal Details.

Last Name

The Last Name from the Personal Details.

Celebration Date

The birthday Celebration Date in current year.

Month Nr

The number of celebration month in current year.


The celebration month in current year.


The celebration date in current year.


The week in current year.


The celebration day in current year.


The age the person is turning in current year.


The birth date from the Personal Details.

Country / Location

The birth place from the Personal Details.


The cabin of the person from activity.


The position of the person from activity.


The e-mail address from the Personal Details that has the highest priority.

Mobile Phone

The mobile phone from the Personal Details that has the highest priority.

Current Rank

The current rank from the Personal Details.


The employment organization id from the Personal Details.


The employment start date from the Personal Details.


The employment end date from the Personal Details.

Start Page



To highlight the passed/upcoming birth dates the following settings need to be configured.


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