Digital Inntektsmelding to NAV

Digital Inntektsmelding to NAV

This article gives an overview of how to use the Norwegian payroll report called Inntektsopplysninger for arbeidstaker that is also called Digital Innteksmelding

History of creation

In previous versions we had a report called “Trekkopplysninger og Inntektsopplysninger for arbeidstaker". Due to new changes to the Norwegian reporting to authority, we split it into two different reports: “Trekkopplysninger for arbeidstaker” and “Inntektsopplysninger for arbeidstaker”.

"Trekkopplysninger" was not changed. However, "Inntektsopplysninger" has been modified for "Inntektsmelding".

Report functionality

Digital Inntektsmelding to NAV was implemented using Altinn solution.

In order to run the report please open Reports -> Authorities -> Inntektsopplysninger for arbeidstaker.

When you run the report you will see 2 tabs in it:

Inntektsmelding - setup of personal data to be reported depending on the Ytelse selection.

Export to Altinn - setup of Altinn reporter account & validation of real exported data.

Inntektsmelding tab

In this tab you make a setup of personal data to be reported depending on the type of Ytelse.

Ytelse – is the type of leave, in total we outline 6 different types.

After you choose the needed Ytelse type, you need to fill in all the other data below.

Please note that the fields for input may be different for each Ytelse type.

After this is done you can proceed to the Export to Altinn tab.

Export to Altinn tab

Here you make the setup for Altinn User account and send the data to Altinn for verification and processing.

In order to do this please follow the below steps.

  1. Choose EDAG reporter;

  2. Define below settings;

  3. Use button «Send To Altinn» to send Inntektsmelding;

After you click «Send To Altinn» you will get the following messages > click Yes to continue.

After clicking OK, it will fetch the receipt from Altinn again and add a new log line into the history log. The log information tells you the Status.

If it is ok and you can see the Archive Reference, it means your Inntektsmelding has been sent forward to NAV. The Archive Reference is the Receipt number you need to be kept as evidence.

If the Status is Validation failed, it means the sending is stopped by Altinn, you haven’t any Archive Reference then. You need to check Receipt details (the button at the bottom of the window) to see what’s wrong with the data.

The button «Melding Details» will show you what data you sent from the log

The button «Receipt Details» will show you the Receipt from the log

The button «Melding Details» will fetch again the Receipt of the sending from Altinn and you have the possibility to update the new fetched Receipt into the history log.

3)     Manual in Norwegian

We also have created a more detailed guide on Digital Innteksmelding – Sykepenger in the Norwegian language.

You can find it attached below or by following this link.


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