Employee Portal Accounts

Employee Portal Accounts


Gives an overview of all the employees who have or don’t have an account in the Employee Portal.


APP, Account


The view gives an overview of all the employees who have or don’t have an account in the Employee Portal.

View Sample

Main Data Selection

All the employed persons/crew that have an active account in the Employee Portal.

SQL Statement

VIEWID should be substituted with the id of the crew list view that you are creating in your system e.g. PW001SRV20 etc.

It is also possible to show in the view of whether the “Welcome to Employee Portal” notification e-mail was sent to the crew or not. This works only if you set up some customized field in Personal Details. If you need this, contact support for assistance.

CREATE VIEW dbo.PW001SRV279  as select         P01.PIN,         P01.client as numorgid,        P01.employmentstartdate,        P01.employmentenddate,        P01.Name,        case when exists (select ac.PIN from WEB_CP_ACCOUNT_EMPLOYEE AC where P01.PIN=AC.PIN ) then 'Y'                else 'N'                end 'Account active', --      P0U.EP as 'E-mail send out',         email.TELENO  as 'E-mail address' from PW001P01 P01 --left join PW001P0U P0U on P0U.pin = p01.pin LEFT JOIN PW001P0T email             ON  email.PIN = p01.PIN             AND email.TELETYPE = 6             AND email.TELEPRIORITY IS NOT NULL             AND NOT EXISTS (                     SELECT 1                     FROM   PW001P0T t                     WHERE  t.PIN = email.PIN                            AND t.TELETYPE = email.TELETYPE                            AND t.TELEPRIORITY IS NOT NULL                            AND (                                    t.TELEPRIORITY < email.TELEPRIORITY                                    OR t.TELEPRIORITY = email.TELEPRIORITY                                    AND t.SEQUENCENO < email.SEQUENCENO                                )                 )


Description/ Location in APM


Description/ Location in APM


The PIN number from the Personal Details.


The ID of the person’s Employment Organization.


The Employment Start Date from the Personal Details.


The Employment End Date from the Personal Details.


The Name from Personal Details.

Account active

The column show in the person has an active account in the Employee Portal.

E-mail send out

The column is disabled in the view. Can be activated, but the customised code value should be related to the one you have in your system.

The column shows the date from the customised field in Perosnal Details of when the e-mail was supposed to have been sent out to the crew.

E-mail address

The e-mail address from the Personal Details that has highest priority.

Additional Details


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