Setting up a SCORM Course Grade Book

Setting up a SCORM Course Grade Book

To setup a course grade book you will need a couple things for the commands:

  • the SCOID - found in the imsmanifest.xml; the element "identifierref" in the <item> tag.  It can also be found by inspecting the SCORM Course in a browser > Network tab > Find a SCORM call (e.g. "GetLessonStatus") > Scroll down to the Query String Parameter section to see the 'SCOId' (sometimes shown as 'ShortId')
  • The course path - The Course Home Page created when you imported the SCORM course


Go to the command line on ~/Pages/Dev

  1. First, you need to create a schema (shell) for the gradebook: CreateGradeBookSchema [Path] [Header]
    1. e.g. CreateGradeBookSchema /Root/Fug/UmbilicalSocketing "Umbilical Socketing in Fugro GradeBook"
  2. Next, add the columns you wish to show up: AddCourseGradeBookColumnSchema [Path] [Display Order] [Type] [Header] [Color] [ShortName] [Out Of]
    1. e.g. AddCourseGradebookColumnSchema /Root/Fug/UmbilicalSocketing 1 studentresult "Scorm Score" 255255255 "FakeSCOid-Status" 100
    2. You can also add a status column by running the same command with a type of registrationstate: AddCourseGradeBookColumnSchema /Root/Fug/UmbilicalSocketing 2 registrationstate "Registration Status" 255255255
    3. Note: if you have a SCORM course with multiple chapters (each "chapter" is a separate course, even though they all belong to the same Course Home Page) you will need to add a column for each chapter.  E.g:
      1. CreateGradeBookSchema /Root/Fug/Course "Working Safely in Fugro GradeBook"
        AddCourseGradeBookColumnSchema /Root/Fug/Course 6 registrationstate "Registration Status" 255255255
        AddCourseGradebookColumnSchema /Root/Fug/Course 1 studentresult "Chapter 1 Score" 255255255 "FakeSCOid-Status" 100
        AddCourseGradebookColumnSchema /Root/Fug/Course 2 studentresult "Chapter 2 Score" 255255255 "FakeSCOid-Status" 100
        AddCourseGradebookColumnSchema /Root/Fug/Course 3 studentresult "Chapter 3 Score" 255255255 "FakeSCOid-Status" 100
        AddCourseGradebookColumnSchema /Root/Fug/Course 4 studentresult "Chapter 4 Score" 255255255 "FakeSCOid-Status" 100
        AddCourseGradebookColumnSchema /Root/Fug/Course 5 studentresult "Chapter 5 Score" 255255255 "FakeSCOid-Status" 100
  3. You should now be able to access the Course Grade book for the course. Go to the Course Home Page > Manage > Reports > Course Grade Book
    1. If you have any issues, please refer to the troubleshooting guide.

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