How to delete a person

How to delete a person

This article explains how to delete a person’s record from the Adonis Personnel Manager (APM) application.
See also: https://adonishr.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/4593516547

This procedure will delete the person completely, including data in any audit tables and is not reversible.

Case description

It might be required to delete a person’s record from the system. The reason may be as follows:

  • The person was terminated some time ago and his/ her personal data needs to be removed to comply with the GDPR regulation.

  • The person’s record was added by mistake and should to be removed etc.


To delete the person from the system:

  1. Find this person in the Crew List
    Note: To see all the crew we recommend using the Standard view.

    If you are experiencing difficulties finding a person, check this article: https://adonishr.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AO/pages/4542038314/How+to+find+a+missing+PIN+in+APM

  2. Right-click on the PIN > Options > Delete (available only for the superuser level 99).

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