Non-Conforming Work & Rest

Non-Conforming Work & Rest



The Non-Conforming Work & Rest is intended to control violations of work and rest hours according to the pre-defined MLC rules.

This guide outlines the rules used to calculate violations onboard as well as provides details on how to check them.


Work and Rest violations are reported based on the predefined rules described in the table. Keep in mind that rules may differ based on the APP role.

All the rules correspond to alpha ID numbers used in Adonis Personal Portal.


APP Role




All crew members

10 hours of rest for 24 hours

A crew member must have not less than 10 hours registered as the Rest worktype within 24-hours period.



All crew members

10 hours for 2 rest periods

2 separate periods of the Rest registration must make a total of 10 hours or more.


10 hours for 3 rest periods that greater than 1 hour

2 separate periods of the Rest registration greater than 1 hour must make a total of 10 hours or more.


All crew members

One rest period lasting 6 hours

At least one of the registered Rest periods must be longer than or equal to 6 hours.


All crew members

77 hours of rest for 7-day period

The total of the Rest registrations for the period of last 7 days from the selected date must not be less than 77 hours.
E.g. if the reported date is May 19, the period to be checked is May 13 - 19.



More than 14 hours of work between any 2 rest periods

A watchkeeper must have less than 14 hours registered as the Work type between any 2 rest periods.



Less than 2 emergencies for the last 7 days

A watchkeeper must not have more than 2 emergencies registered for the period of last 7 days from the selected date.


  1. Rule D is not reported under the following conditions:

    • A crew member spent less than 7 days onboard

    • The Rest worktype registered within 7 days is less than 77 hours but not less than 70 hours

Rule B is applied differently based on crew members' role.


This section contains the description on how to check whether any work and rest rules are violated by you or your coworkers.

Non-confirming events are available to Coordinators and Approvers (based on the predefined Chain of Approval).

To get started, log in to the Adonis Crew Portal. On logging in, on the main menu, navigate to Time and Attendance > Co-Workers Timesheets > Nonconfirming Events:

The following non-conformity views are available:


Check Nonconformity per Date

To verify whether your co-workers are in compliance with the work and rest rules on a certain date, navigate to Nonconfirmity Per Date on the toolbar:

On the Nonconformity Per Date page, proceed as described below:

  1. Select the date for which you want to check violations. For this, pick the date in the Select Date calendar picker.

  2. Select a group crew members to be cosidered in the nonconformity.

As a result, the grid displays your co-workers' nonconforming events occurred on the selected date. To find out the rules which have been specifically violated, check the MLC violations column which lists all the rules IDs and highlights violations in red.


For your reference, the nonconformity rules are available in the interface. To show them, click the downward arrow:

Besides, the expension panel contains a colour legend:

  • Red-highlighted MLC violations show what rules have been violated and urge you to address the violations. In addition, time registrations containing violations are marked in red.

  • Orange-highlighted MLC violations stand for exeptions applied to Rule F only.

  • Grey-highlighted timeblocks mean the Rest registration type.

  • Blue-highlighted timeblocks show the Work registration type.


To view the details of the violation occurred, in the grid, click the 7 Days back link next to the record to be affected. This opens the Last 7 days dialog:

The dialog displays time registrations as well as violations for the selected date and 1 week before (8 days in total).


Check Nonconformity per Period

To verify whether your co-workers are in compliance with the work and rest rules for a certain, navigate to Nonconfirmity Per Period on the toolbar:

On the Nonconformity Per Period page, proceed as described below:

  1. Select the date range for which you want to check violations. For this, set the dates in both the Date From and Date To fields.

  2. Select a group crew members to be cosidered in the nonconformity.

  3. Click Generate.

As a result, the grid displays your co-workers' nonconforming events occurred within the selected period. To find out the rules which have been specifically violated, check the MLC violations column which lists all the rules IDs and highlights violations in red.


For your reference, the nonconformity rules are available in the interface. To show them, click the downward arrow:

Besides, the expension panel contains a colour legend:

  • Red-highlighted MLC violations show what rules have been violated and urge you to address the violations. In addition, time registrations containing violations are marked in red.

  • Orange-highlighted MLC violations stand for exeptions applied to Rule F only.

  • Grey-highlighted timeblocks mean the Rest registration type.

  • Blue-highlighted timeblocks show the Work registration type.

To view the details of the violation occurred, in the grid, click the 7 Days back link next to the record to be affected. This opens the Last 7 days dialog:

The dialog displays time registrations as well as violations for the selected date and 1 week before (8 days in total).

Noncoformity Notifications

Nonconformities require special attention and urge team leaders to take actions. To stay tuned and in compliance with the MLC regulations, you can get notifications of any violations. For this, first, make sure to enable the functionality. For more infofmation, see https://adonishr.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/3218506197/Configuration#Nonconforming-work-and-rest

The system checks in advance all violations for your team and notifies you by displaying the count of pending notifications on the ringing bell. Click the bell to see the details:



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