Payroll: Lock Site Procedure

Payroll: Lock Site Procedure

This article outlines the Lock Site Procedure used in the Payroll Module, which is used to lock the payroll calculations on the vessels until the Head Office has finalized and closed the payroll month.


The lock Site function is used to lock the payroll calculations on the vessels until the Head Office has finalized and closed the payroll month.

It is recommended to use the "Lock Site" functionality for all the customers who run payroll onboard the vessels. It must be used as a protection measure - to not create problems with data when the Head Office finalizes month-end payroll and to prevent a new calculation onboard before the month has been closed in the office and the changes have been replicated over all sites.

How to Lock Site

The respective button only shows on the vessel installation. It is located under the Payroll > Set drop-down menu.

Organization Structure will show the Payroll period, Date, and Time when the vessel has locked the payroll period.

An analytical view with the attached selection script can be set up in the Analytical Module for the Head Office to check what vessels and when have locked their payroll.


How to Unlock Site

In case, Lock Site has been used by mistake or when payroll users on the vessels discover that they've missed adding some changes in payroll calculations, it is possible to Unlock Site. There is a respective button under the Payroll > Set drop-down menu. It is only active and can be used when the Lock Site has been applied.

Control access

System admins can control which user levels have access to both routines Lock and Unlock site.

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