Custom Export Product Description

Custom Export Product Description

This article describes the service and responsibilities we have for delivering the product of Custom Exports


The Custom Export is used for creating exports to third parties without the need to involve development. Full manual can be found here.

Cost Savings for Customer

  • No need to buy Development from Adonis

  • Customer can create exports on their own

Customer Benefits

Using the Custom Export has the main benefits of:

  • Possibilities to create exports without involving Development


Adonis Responsibilities

As part of the delivery of a Custom Export, the following tasks are included: 

  1. Specification of the Export and where to fetch the data from the system

  2. Creation of the .XML file template for direct import in General Codes

  3. Testing of the full Export

  4. Documentation of how the Export works

  5. Documentation of how the Custom Export must be uploaded

  6. Link to manual for how to create a new Custom Export

  7. Support for the upload and maintenance of the Custom Export

Customer responsibility

  1. Assisting with the specification of the Export

  2. Uploading of the .XML file together with Adonis consultant

  3. Final testing of the Custom Export

  4. Maintenance of the Custom Export

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