Expanding a Plan

Expanding a Plan

The Expand Plan button allows to simplify work on setting up rotation plans.

It is now possible to continue working with an existing rotation plan by adding shifts to it instead of creating a new plan.

When a user selects needed plan and clicks Expand Plan button, a window like the one below appears with the number of options available:

Number of shifts to add/ Period to add shifts

The user can select between expanding plan by a number of shifts or by time:

a) by shifts: you should select a number of shifts, which will be added to the selected rotation plan. Maximum allowed is 24.

b) by period: system will expand all shifts according to definition. System creates maximum number of shifts that is possible for defined period.
The last shift that maybe partly out of the period is not created at all.

Use start date

Use start date - when option is ON & date is set, shifts will be created starting from the mentioned day only.
This is useful when you don't want any shifts to be generated for the past period.

Assign persons to newly created shifts?

If the user chooses No, empty shifts will be added to the plan;
If the user chooses Yes, persons from the last two shifts will be assigned to the newly created shifts and corresponding activities will be created.

If there is a position in the rotation plan, that was added manually, such position will not be expanded.

Deactivated persons will not be assigned to shifts after their date of deactivation.

If a person is assigned to a shift that overlaps existing assignment, the system will display the warning message.
Depending on selected option, a person will either be kept on the existing assignment or assigned to a new shift & removed from the old one.

Activities will be modified accordingly, but only for planned activities.
Historical & current activities cannot be overruled, so the process will be reverted.
If a person is assigned to subsequent empty shifts & they overlap with several existing assignments - person will be removed from all existing assignments (for Remove option).
If a person has flight(s) booked for current assignment, a user will be notified. Continuing this operation will lead to flights cancellation, aborting operation will leave flights & activities as they are.

Expand Plan button includes functionality of auto-snapping to crew change if persons are assigned to the shifts.
Snap will be performed finding the nearest port & modifying shifts accordingly.
If new shifts are later than the latest existing port - a person will be assigned to shift but no snap will be performed & the message will be displayed.

For this, Rotation should be linked to Crew Change: Match Sea-service dates with crew change/itinerary option is ON in Org. Structure > Vessel Properties > Payroll > General.



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