Rotation Planning: References

Rotation Planning: References


Multiple Leave Accumulators Setup

How to Activate

To activate functionality, go to Global Options > Modules > Payroll:

Set Use multiple leave accumulators option.

Setting up Properties on Leave Accumulators

For each leave accumulator, we need to define the priority in which accumulator will be used first to deduct leave days.

For each Leave accumulator, we need define field reference number to be used in the payroll scripts identifying the number of leave brought forward and earned during the payroll period.

Go to General Codes > Activities > Leave Days Accumulators and define Values to be used by Leave Accumulator when working with system in Multiple Leave Accumulators mode:

  1. Identify FIFO Priority for leave days accumulator (in which accumulator will be used first to deduct leave days).

    lowest is used first;
    '0' means the very first.

  2. Identify Payroll Field number (to be used in the payroll scripts identifying the number of leave brought forward and earned during the payroll period).

    if blank - no payroll field will be assigned.
    These fields must be assigned unique, so that there cannot be 2 records with the same Priority & Payroll Field.

Defining Leave Factor and Leave Accumulator Properties

Inherit / Overwrite Leave Factor and Calculation Properties

The Leave Factor is a rate that is applied to a number of days in activity (earning/deducting).

The leave factor and properties can be defined on four levels:

  1. Activity;

  2. Company;

  3. Payscale Table - Payscale Code;

  4. Person;

The primary factor is set on the Activity itself, having the lowest priority.

Each next level offers the higher priority, overriding settings from previous level.

In other words, there may be a Leave Factor on Company level, which will override the activity factor.

The next levels are Payscale Table, then Payscale Code and at last each individual person.

This means that the leave ratios you put on Payscale Table, will overwrite the leave ratio set on Activity Code and Company.

And again, the leave ratio you put directly on each Payscale Code (Masters, Chief Engineers etc.) will overwrite the ratio set on the previous levels (if Overwrite options from Payscale Table option is ON).

The leave ratio set on each individual person will overwrite the ratio set on all other levels.

See below sections for more details.

Activity Definition Screen

Go to Setup > General Codes > Activity Codes > Leave Days:

  1. Per activity we must clearly identify if this activity is earning or deducting leave days.
    Please use corresponding radio-button to define.

  2. Using Append button it is possible to link any accumulator (added in General Codes – see above section) to an activity code.
    There is no limitation on the number of accumulators that can be linked to an activity.
    Accumulators can be deleted.

  3. It is possible to define a leave factor per Accumulator.
    It can be either a numeric value or a reference to payroll script.

Organization Structure - Company

Go to Setup > Organization Properties > Company > Payroll > Leave Days Accounting.
Setup is split into 3 sections:

  1. SECTION 1 - displays the list of all Accumulators defined in General Codes.

    See Setting up Properties on Leave Accumulators section.

  2. SECTION 2 - contains settings per ACCUMULATOR active in Section 1.
    All active Leave accumulators are displayed so that the proper calculation rules can be defined for each company.

    Earning / Deducting Leave Factor – rate (quotient) to be applied to the number of Leave Days.
    It can be either a numeric value or a reference to payroll script.

    It will be the activity code that decide if the system should use the deducting or earning parameters.

    Exclude Sign On / Off Day - when calculating leave days earned (Leave factor > 0), the calculation will exclude the Sign On / Off Day.

    Deduct Sign On / Off Day - options work for sea service activities only.
    Once the leave earned is calculated, the system deducts sign on and (or) sign off day.

    Exclude Public Holidays / Sunday / Saturday - tagged days will be excluded from leave deduction.

  3. SECTION 3 - contains settings for ALL ACCUMULATORS

    30 Days Calendar for Leave Days full and partial month: when ON, the number of earned days (leave days of all the activities except leave activities) is calculated as if each month has 30 days. The option concerns all people linked to this particular org. unit.

    30 Days Calendar for Leave Days Earned: when ON, the number of earned days is calculated as if each complete month has 30 days (even February, March and so on). The option concerns all people linked to this particular org. unit.

    30 Days Calendar for Leave Days Deducted: when ON, the number of deducted days (leave days of a leave activity) is calculated as if each complete month has 30 days (LeaveFactor =-1). There is the strict hierarchy of options that can overrule this one.

    Disable Calculated Leave End Date by Vessel (FIFO): If the option is OFF, the leave will be calculated based on FIFO principle. If ON, it will disregard the principle. The property is applied to a currently opened client.


    When a user creates a leave activity for a person and FIFO principle is enabled, the system automatically enters the needed vessel name in the activity details.

    Set Estimated End Date Automatic On Leave Activities - if ON, then when creating a new Leave activity EED is filled in automatically = Date From + Leave Account (total number of earned leave days).

    Set Date To Automatic On Leave Activities - if ON, then when creating a new Leave activity Date To is filled in automatically = Date From + Leave Account (total number of earned leave days).

Payscale Table Definition Screen

Go to Payroll > Payscales or Tables > Payscales:

  1. Leave properties are moved to a new tab labeled Leave.

  2. All active Leave accumulators are linked to the payscale so that the proper calculation rules can be defined per accumulator / payscale.

  3. For each selected accumulator, it is possible to set the Leave Earning and Deducting properties.
    Earning / Deducting Leave Factor – rate (quotient) to be applied to the number of Leave Days.
    It can be either a numeric value or a reference to payroll script.

    Leave Earning:

    a) Exclude Sign on day: The day signing on is not part of the number of days used as basis for the leave calculation.
    b) Exclude Sign off day: Exclude the sign off day from the total number of days onboard. The sign off day is not part of the basis of the leave calculation.
    c) Deduct Sign on day
    d) Deduct Sign off day
    For c and d counts that the system calculates the earned leave then subtract one day for sign on and or sign off.

    Leave Deduction:

    a) Exclude Public holidays
    b) Exclude Sunday
    c) Exclude Saturday
    Option a, b and c each exclude these days from deducting days from the leave balance.

    Use 30 days calendar- the system will not use 31 day to earn or deduct days.

  4. Inherit leave options from persons organization /company option

    If ON, options & values provided on this screen are ignored. Instead when processing a person, values defined under Company (as described in Organization Structure section above).

    When OFF - you can define settings that will be used instead.

It will be the activity code that decide if the system should use the deducting or earning parameters (see Activity Definition Screen section).

Payscale Code Definition

Open needed Payscale, select Payscale Code (Master, Bosun, etc.):

  1. Leave properties are moved to a new tab labeled Leave.

  2. All active Leave accumulators are linked to the payscale/payscale code so that the proper calculation rules can be defined per accumulator.

  3. For each selected accumulator, it is possible to set the Leave Earning and Deducting properties.
    Earning / Deducting Leave Factor – rate (quotient) to be applied to the number of Leave Days.
    It can be either a numeric value or a reference to payroll script.

    Leave Earning:

    a) Exclude Sign on day: The day signing on is not part of the number of days used as basis for the leave calculation.
    b) Exclude Sign off day: Exclude the sign off day from the total number of days onboard. The sign off day is not part of the basis of the leave calculation.
    c) Deduct Sign on day
    d) Deduct Sign off day
    For c and d counts that the system calculates the earned leave then subtract one day for sign on and or sign off.

    Leave Deduction:

    a) Exclude Public holidays
    b) Exclude Sunday
    c) Exclude Saturday
    Option a, b and c each exclude these days from deducting days from the leave balance.

    Use 30 days calendar- the system will not use 31 day to earn or deduct days.

  4. Overwrite options from Payscale Table option:

    If ON, the Payscale Code options & values for leave calculation will overwrite the settings of the payscale table;

    When OFF - the Payscale Code options & values will not overwrite the settings of the payscale table.

It will be the activity code that decide if the system should use the deducting or earning parameters (see Activity Definition Screen section).

Personal Details Level

Go to Personal Details > Payroll > Leave:

  1. Leave properties are moved to a new tab labeled Leave.

  2. Check box to activate leave calculation settings on personal level.

  3. All active Leave accumulators are displaying, so that the proper calculation rules can be defined per accumulator.

  4. For each selected accumulator, it is possible to set the Leave Earning and Deducting properties.
    Earning / Deducting Leave Factor – rate (quotient) to be applied to the number of Leave Days.
    It can be either a numeric value or a reference to payroll script.

    Leave Earning:

    a) Exclude Sign on day: The day signing on is not part of the number of days used as basis for the leave calculation.
    b) Exclude Sign off day: Exclude the sign off day from the total number of days onboard. The sign off day is not part of the basis of the leave calculation.
    c) Deduct Sign on day
    d) Deduct Sign off day
    For c and d counts that the system calculates the earned leave then subtract one day for sign on and or sign off.

    Leave Deduction:

    a) Exclude Public holidays
    b) Exclude Sunday
    c) Exclude Saturday
    Option a, b and c each exclude these days from deducting days from the leave balance.

    Use 30 days calendar- the system will not use 31 day to earn or deduct days.

Check Combined Experience per Vessel

It is possible to follow visually Vessel-combined competence requirements during the planning process.

Missing requirements are flagged in a user-friendly way, presenting days that are not covered with a shift-like cell.

Combined details on missing competences are presented on a separate Requirements Details tab when working with a plan.

  1. To visual representation, please go to Options > Personal Shift Gantt > Display Data:

    Unknown Attachment

    Set two options: Display Combined Experience/Certification Requirements


  2. To define number of days forward, for which Combined Experience validation will be applied, switch to Requirements Check section:


    When the number of days is defined - each Rotation Plan will show additional line Required Competences above all positions in the Rotation tree.

    This line will show colored cells for the days, where assigned crew is NOT covering Competence Requirements as defined for this Vessel / Vessel Type / Operator.

    For example:

    If a vessel of Passenger Type requires 2 persons with MOB certificates to be onboard, one of them must be a Deck Officer.

    Plan will be checked for each day to have enough crew assigned to cover the requirement.

    If there is not enough assigned crew with such certificate, or if there is no Deck Officer holding the competence - a time block will be drawn.

    Validations are performed based on shift assignments (sea-service activities) disregards Current/Planned status. 


    In order to see details about which certificates are missing - you should tag the time-block. 

    Requirements Details section will show day-by-day info on which exactly requirements are not covered. 

    It is very easy to see general requirements (Required section) & how many persons onboard cover them (Found section):

    Unknown Attachment

    Vessel requirements should be set up in the Requirements Profile module, see here.


You can click Unknown Attachment icon under Manage menu of these modules in APM and will be switched to User Manual.




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