ATP pension and Maternity Fund rate changes
This article describes how to update rates for the employee and employer contribution to ATP pension fund and employer contribution to Maternity Fund (Barselfond).
The rates for ATP and Maternity Fund contributions have changes from January 2024.
The information about the applicable ATP rates can be found here:
Changing the rates in Adonis Personnel Manager
Go to Setup | Organization
Select the Top Company. Click on Split View if your screen does not look like the below:
Continue on the right side of the window and click on Rates and then System0 and System1. Add in the new rates by overwriting the existing amounts.
Click Apply, close and Calculate persons to have the system use the new rates
If the Rate names and numbers in your system do not correspond to the rate you see on the screenshots and you don’t know which rates to update, please contact Adonis Support.