My Timesheet

My Timesheet


Time and Attendance


Timesheet Report

Latest Version



The report displays all registrations related to Work & Rest that exist in the selected periods for currently logged crew members.


The report displays all registrations related to Work & Rest that exist in the selected periods for currently logged crew members.

To access this report, please log in to the Crew Portal web interface, Time and Attendance module, and select My Timesheet sub-module-> Reports -> Generate.


Once you click the needed report, a dialogue window will ask you to add report parameters:

Period – select needed period from a dropdown list with all periods that were defined by the administrator in APP.

Default work types are work and rest.
You can select additional work types to be counted in the report, such as: drill, meal, side duty and sick.
Click Submit button to preview the report.


The report has the same layout and calculation principles as Co-workers Timesheet report but displays daily work registrations for currently logged user.

In the report header, we can see vessel name, user name, Nr. of pages and today's date.
Our example layout displays all data grouped by weeks - from Sunday to Saturday (week borders depend on settings in APP).
Number of filled lines corresponds to number of registrations (work, rest and additional work types selected in dialog window).

Let's review an example:

1. Personal Information

In the top line, we can see Pin, Name, selected Period and Position.

2. Registration Dates

The first section for a date shows the time when registration started & ended (via the TimeClock application or Crew Portal). By default, time is rounded to the nearest quarter hour, so here you will see only values like hh:00, hh:15, hh:30, and hh:45.

But you can set it to be rounded to 30 minutes (hh:00, hh:30), by setting the corresponding check-box in payscale > Overtime > OT Calculation Rules:

Registrations are displayed only between 0:00 - 24:00.

So, if work started at 22:00 on 01/05 & ended at 05:00 on 02/05 - it will be displayed as two separate records:

1) 22:00-24:00 at 01/05 column;
2) 00:00-05:00 at 02/05 column. 

Each registration record has different coloured background:

Work hours

Rest hours


Drill hours

Meal hours

Sick hours

Side duty hours


Registrations for work and rest work types are shown here by default.
Drill/meal/sick and duty are displayed depending on your setup in dialog window. 

3. Totals per Date and Work Type

The second section displays a time period for each separate work type registration with the total amount.
Each day has an Overtime field below (grey colour, red font) - it shows how many hours were worked comparing to 10 hours standard (defined in the payscale details).

Negative overtime (hours worked less than defined working hours; displayed with minus).
You can decide whether to include negative overtime when summarizing overtime for week, by setting the corresponding check-box in person's payscale > Overtime > OT Calculation Rules:

In this case negative overtime will affect overtime summary calculation (for a week/month).
Here you can also define to include negative overtime on Sign on/off days or not.

For example: Week 15








Overtime: 0:45

Overtime: 1:15

Overtime: 2:00

Overtime: - 2:00

Overtime: 1:00

Overtime: 2:00

Overtime: 0:00


Total overtime for week 15 = (0:45 + 1:15 + 2:00 +1:00 + 2:00) – 2:00 (negative overtime) 

Week 15: Total overtime: 5:00

If Include in OT summary option is OFF: Total overtime: 7:00

The calculation can ignore some registrations defined as Work if they are set up not to be counted as overtime.

4. Overall Totals

Nr. of the week in the year.

Each week displays the summarized value for such work types as Rest, Drill, Work & Side Duty.
Weekly Overtime cell shows summarized daily overtime.

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