Non-Conforming Work and Rest

Non-Conforming Work and Rest


Time and Attendance


Non-Conformity Report

Latest Version



The report displays all registrations related to work and rest and additional selected work types such as drill, meal, and sick that exist for selected person(s) in the selected period.


This report is designed for coordinators to control violations of work & rest hours of subordinates in defined periods according to MLC (Maritime Labour Convention) pre-defined rules.
If at least one rule is not in compliance - a person will appear in the report grid.

Work & Rest Rules for 24-hour period




At least 10 hours of rest

A crew member must have not less than 10 hours registered as Rest worktype for 24-hours period.

Not less 10 hours in 2 rest periods

2 separate periods of Rest must make a total of 10 hours or more.

One rest period lasting 6 hours

At least one of registered Rest periods must be longer or equal to 6 hours.

77 rest hours per week

The total of registered Rest periods from selected date to 7 days earlier (back) must be not less than 77 hours.
E.g. if reported date is May 19, the period to check is May 13 - 19.

Exceptions for violations

  1. All existing violations are not reported if a person signs on the reported date.
    This is because we do not control the exact time of boarding, thus a person that signs on at 8:00 pm cannot have enough rest hours to cover mentioned conditions.

  2. Violation of 77 hours rule is not reported if a person spent less than 7 days onboard.

To access this report, please log in to the Crew Portal web interface, open the Time and Attendance module, select Co-Workers Timesheets sub-module-> Reports -> Generate.


Once you click the needed report, a dialogue window will ask you to add report parameters:

Period – select the needed period from…. to….
All departments:

Off – you see the crew only for your department.
On – you see the crew for all departments.

Click Submit button to preview the report.


The layout consists of a Summary & Detailed view.

Summary - displays aggregated data grouped by date.
In the report header, we can see the report name, vessel name, and checked period (from…..to….).

Let's review an example:

  1. Date.

  2. Department.

  3. By Person - displays how many crew members had at least one violation for the mentioned date.

  4. Each line contains a total number of crew members violating a certain rule for the mentioned date.
    If a cell is white - this means that no violations of the corresponding rule took place for the mentioned date.
    The red cell indicates a violation of this current rule (displaying the number of violators).
    Due to emergency - the total number of crew members whose violations were marked by their team leader as 'linked to some emergency work'.
    Less than 10 hours rest - total number of crew members that are violators of rule #1 for this date.
    More than 2 rest periods - total number of crew members that are violators of rule #2 for this date.
    No period lasted at least 6 hrs - total number of crew members that are violators of rule #3 for this date.
    Less than 77 hrs rest - total number of crew members that are violators of rule #4.

Sample and Details

Information on violators is displayed for each violating crew member separately for each given date:

The date, crew member's position, pin & name are displayed in the grid.
The next columns have names corresponding to violations.
A violation that exists for this certain person is marked red.
A white cell in a column means that a crew member has no violation of this rule for this date.

Due to emergency column being red if violations were marked for this pin by his team leader as 'linked to some emergency work'.
This can be done under the TAA module – Co-Workers Timesheets sub-module – Nonconformity Events.
For example:

Select the needed date and pin and then set the Emergency check-box. Near it, you can leave comments that will be displayed in the Comments column of the report grid.

Info is then grouped into a total value of violations for each column for a date. The date total cell is marked with light-blue colour.

References: Maritime Labour Convention, 2006

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