Label Craft - Vingcards Gangway Control System

Label Craft - Vingcards Gangway Control System

The IP server implemented in Gangway Control is typically used to add and modify person data, and print person cards, as well as receiving data and status information from the Gangway Control Server and the third-party client application program.
The protocol allows many client computers to be connected at the same time.

Also, every client computer can print card on up to 30 different card printers.

In short, the IP server turns the Gangway Control server computer into a true database and printer server.
For instance, it is possible with one single command to add or update a person's data, and at the same time print a new person card directly from Adonis, illuminating the need to add the persons manually in the gangway system.



General SETUP

Please go to Setup > Global Options > Modules > Label Craft:

  1. Please, define IP Server Gangway control system, port and the printer port name.

    The Print Port Name is needed to define which printer to use. If parameter command ADDUP (PRN_PORT) is blank, the parameter PRN_PORT will be ignored.

  2. Fields for interface: these are the information fields to be checked & sent to the Gangway control system.
    CabinId: The Cabin is always defined with cabin(door) number and bunk or bed. A cabin can contain more than one bunk or bed for each bunk bed they are handing out a cabin id.

  3. Photo (PUTPIC Command) - if ON, then printing crew card or updating a record automatically updates a crew-member's photo. Note, that a picture must be stored in jpg format.

  4. Custom Fields - LabelCraft interface offers 60 fields where a customer can store any additional information. By inputting any number from 1 to 60 you can define in which field the corresponding info will be stored.


  5. Person Type Code. Enter a code that will be used when a person is considered as a visitor or a crew:

    To define a visitor, enter C in the Visitors field.
    To define a crew, enter V in the Crew field. 


    So, person with Handyman Rank will be with Visitor Status. 

    PIN's Length allows setting the maximum length of a pin number and adding the leading zero(s) if the actual length is less then the maximum length. The defined maximum number will not truncate the pin number if the actual length is greater then the given maximum length.

Cabins Setup

In the system, it is possible to setup the cabin structure for each vessel.
The cabin id will be sent to the gangway control system.

Cabin codes should be previously created in General Codes > Vessel > Cabin:

Code is a unique Adonis code.
Text is the descriptive name.
Sort is sorting of the code in drop-down list. The codes with the smallest number will be shown first, the ones with biggest number will be shown last.

'0' means the very first.

Is Passive: set to make this code passive (hidden in drop-down).

You can define a Capacity to each cabin type.

Please go to Setup > Organization Structure > Vessel > Safety > Cabins:

The structure of the cabin id can be for example 11 or 11A, 11B:

11 is a cabin number (for single cabin);

11A – 11 is a cabin number, A is a berth/bunk.

11B - 11 is a cabin number, B is the second berth/bunk (for double cabin).


Lifeboats & Fire stations can be linked to cabins as well:

  1. previously created in

General Codes > Vessel > Fire Station Numbers; Lifeboats/Rafts;

  1. previously added under

Safety > Rescue Stations and Fire Stations.

For additional information, read The Cabin Allocation Module manual.

Ranks Setup

Ranks should be set up in General Codes > Personal Details > Ranks:

  1. Supernumerary option 

    If a rank has Supernumerary option ON - it is considered as rank for Visitors and the crewmember is exported as VISITOR, not CREW

    with Status = Visitor on the printed card. 
    With any of rest options set, it is considered as rank for Crew and the crewmember is exported as CREW not VISITOR 
    with Status = Crew on the printed card.

  2. Interface xref -> LabelCraft – Optional setup

    If you set a rank code as 'Standard Code of':

    Group Code / Security Group - rank is automatically set passive;
    None – rank is available in Group Code / Security Group drop-down menu:


    So, you can create a set of ranks used only in LabelCraft & assign them to the real ranks used in your organization structure.



The Crew Change module gives an overview of the upcoming crew changes (on- and off-signing crew):

At On Signing tab, the end user can select the crew who is planned to sign on & assign him to a cabin.
By clicking LabelCraft icon, for the selected person(s) it is possible to:

print cards (what data is displayed on the card depends on Global Settings – see General Setup section above and Print Card section below);

update info in LabelCraft (e.g.: new cabin id);

set status to Boarded /Ashore/ Deactivated for his crew card.

From ver. 2016.2, we improved system behavior for integration with LabelCraft / Vingcard interface.
It is no more necessary to perform manual update of the person's status.
Once a person's crew change is confirmed, LabelCraft data is updated automatically without additional user actions.


A user can select the LabelCraft interface right from a crew list using the right-click menu.
The system will then send the selected crew to LabelCraft:

The following options are available:

Print Card (what data is displayed on the card depends on Global Settings – see General Setup section above and Print Card section below);


Set Status: Boarded (Activate) / Deactivate (Sing Off) / Ashore / Never Boarded).


Based on the global setting (see Setup section), the following parameters can be exported:

Global Setting


Value/ Adonis DB


Person ID


































PW001P03.CABINID (current activity) Or (used from crew change module) PWCCMCHANGECREWLIST.CABINID

Only need the "door number", the last character can be ignored.
Example 123A cabin=123, 001B cabin = 001


CUSTOM<field nr from Global Setting>

PW001P03.CABINID (current activity) Or (used from crew change module) PWCCMCHANGECREWLIST.CABINID

Last character of cabin123A bunk=A, 001B bunk=B



PW001P03.DATEFROM (current activity) Or (used from crew change module)PWCCMCHANGECREWLIST.DATEOFCHANGE





This is the "real estimated end date. If there exist a "planned promotion" then we use the estimated date of the promoted-to record



Passphoto of the person (JPEG)

If no photo exists in the database then we don't update the picture.


CUSTOM<field nr from Global Setting>

PW001P03.NUMORGID if this is not linked to a position then export pw001P03.RANK (use pw001c02.text)


Security Group

CUSTOM<field nr from Global Setting>


Displays the LabelCraft setup field "Group code / security Group" that corresponds to person's rank

Person Type


if pw001c02.options like '%S%' - then value set for visitors, else value for Crew


Lifeboat description

CUSTOM<field nr from Global Setting>


Displays the name of a lifeboat that is linked to a person's cabin in Crew Change module


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