Transfer Vessel
There can happen situations, when a crew member signs off a vessel, but signs on another vessel instead of taking a vacation. For such situations, the ordinary procedure when all off-signers get a Leave activity does not fit.
Because the crew member needs one Onboard activity on vessel 1 followed by next Onboard activity on vessel 2.
This can be handled in Adonis using Vessel Transfer functionality.
Vessel Transfer is enabled only for Planned (not confirmed) records.
So, in brief, you should:
Sign a person on the vessel 1, confirm crew change;
Sign this person off vessel 1, clear leave activity, select Disembarkation reason, select the vessel 2 he is going to sign on next, confirm crew change;
Sign this person on the next vessel 2 on the same date as he signed off previous vessel 1.
The following setup needed to be done beforehand:
A user should have Write access to the field C132 Vessel Transfer in Adonis Control Centre > Fields > Crew Change > Off/On Signers View:
Enable Allow 'Vessel Transfer' selection option in Global Options > Modules > Crew Change:
When Allow 'Vessel Transfer' option is ON, the Vessel Transfer column appears on Off Signing tab in Crew Change module:
Find the person that transfers ships, clear Leave Activity field for him/her.
Click Vessel Transfer drop-down to select the vessel where the person signs on next.
This will give information where the person moves to.Under Disembarkation Reason you can select for example Ship Transfer
Disembarkation Reason codes to appear in the list, should be previously added in General Codes.Blue record font indicates Vessel Transfer for this person.
After Sign Off is confirmed, Leave activity will not be created for persons with Vessel Transfer.
The next step is Adding this person as On-signer to another vessel on the same date as he left the previous vessel.
After we are finished with crew changes, we can check person's activities: