Via Sign On/ Off Wizard
This section is dedicated to the workflow for companies that use the Create activities when Signing On/Off Wizard option ON in Global Options.
Its main aim is that rotation module is used for linking crew members to certain rotation shifts, creating planned sea-service activities on the stage of a plan maintenance.
Select assigned shift > choose between Sign ON/Off operation to start creating activities > proceed with corresponding Wizard to provide activity generation.
To be able to use this functionality, you need to set Create Activities when Signing On / Off option in Global Options > Modules > Rotation Planning:
When switched ON – the system will not create activities during the planning phase but only when a person is actually signing on (onboard activity) and when signing off (close current onboard and create leave activity).
After activation, the system displays the Sign On/Off wizard tool in the Rotation Planning module.
The functionality is reached under Manage and shift right-click menu:
Shift assignment is performed the same way as using any other Activity Creation Mode - finding a proper person by special form & linking this person to a shift.
Shift assignment is resulting in generation of a planned sea-service activity.
Activity status doesn't depend on dates, no automatic setting to historical/current is provided.
Then you should select assigned shift to process > click corresponding icon.
Sign On Procedure
Select assigned shift to process.
Click Sign On icon.
Procedure starts with optional definition of a Travel activity with mandatory parameters for activity code & Start date.
You can remove checkbox & proceed if it is not necessary to create a travel.The default Sign On date is set based on shift Date From.
If a travel activity has been set, the onboard activity will default start 1 day later, but can be overridden.The Estimated sign off date will be set based on shift End Date.
Finishing wizard triggers activity generation & plan update.
Corresponding sea-service activity is created as Current, optional Travel is created as Historical.
Sign Off for Single Accumulator (Option is OFF)
Sign Off is additionally regulated by Global Option > Payroll > Use Multiple Leave Accumulators option:
Wizard offers different behavior & logic depending on the state of this option.
Select needed shift and click the Sign Off command:
Sign Off Wizard dialog box appears. Select needed option and click Next.
Default sign off date is offered based on shift End Date but can be override (this will automatically modify the shift End Date).
You can create gap activity.
As other consequent shifts may already be assigned to this plan - wizard offers a set of options to interact with those.
At the next optional step, you can create Discharge/Travel activity:
Decide what activity to create with neeed number of days & oragnization unit (vessel) to link activity to.
Click Next.Leave activity details.
There are:
Leave Days values are taken from leave balance plus remainder (fractional part) of leave balance days from previous activity.
Leave Balance column shows the original leave balance.
For generated Leave activity rank is fetched from Personal Details.
Position is set based on leave balance for corresponding Vessel & person's Rank.
If a vessel doesn't have a position matching person's Rank - activity is linked to Vessel.
Sing Off for Multiple Accumulators
Note that proper application setup should be performed first, see References > Multiple Leave Accumulators Setup section.
Introduction - Basic Principles
The general idea of this functionality allows handling an unlimited number of Leave Days accumulators, instead of 2 default Leave offered earlier.
This simplifies & makes using FIFO principle more flexible.
Number of Leave Factors
The current system allows the end user to define two leave days factors, each linked to a leave-days accumulator. These two factors and the link to an accumulator are hardcoded in the system.
The leave factors can be a decimal value or it can be script reference. The script is then returning the factor to be used.
The calculation is as follows: Number of days x leave factor
Leave Days Factor and Calculation Properties
There are several properties that are affecting he way the earned and deducted leave is calculated and how the leave days are used when creating the leave activities based on the FIFO principle.
These properties are defined on company and pay scale table level and define besides the leave days factor the calculation properties.
Calculation Properties
Leave Earning:
Exclude Sign on day: The day signing on is not part of the number of days used as basis for the leave calculation.
Exclude Sign off day: Exclude the sign off day from the total number of days onboard. The sign off day is not part of the basis of the leave calculation.
Deduct Sign on day
Deduct Sign off day
For c and d counts that the system calculates the earned leave then subtract one day for sign on and or sign off.
Leave Deduction:
Exclude Public holidays
Exclude Sunday from
Exclude Saturday - option a, b and c each exclude these days from deducting days from the leave balance.
Use 30 days calendar -the system will never deduct more then 30 day per month
Use 30 days calendar for Leave days calculations (the system will not use 31 day to earn or deduct days).
Inherit / Overwrite Leave Factor and Calculation Properties
The Leave Factor is a rate that is applied to a number of days in activity (earning/deducting).
The leave factor and properties can be defined on four levels:
Payscale Table - Payscale Code;
The primary factor is set on the Activity itself, having the lowest priority. Each next level offers the higher priority, overriding settings from previous level.
In other words, there may be a Leave Factor on Company level, which will override the activity factor.
The next levels are Payscale Table, then Payscale Code and at last each individual person.
This means that the leave ratios, you put on the Payscale Table, will overwrite the leave ratio set on the Activity Code and Company;
And again, the leave ratio you put directly on each Payscale Code (Masters, Chief Engineers etc.) will overwrite the ratio set on the previous levels (if Overwrite options from Payscale Table option is ON).
The leave ratio set on each individual person will overwrite the ratio set on all other levels.
Earning Vs Deduction Leave Days
The activity defines if the activity is earning or deducting leave.
Currently, if the activity type is set to Leave it is deducting leave day. In this case the deducting leave factor is used from the Payscale, Company and Person level.
If the activity type is not set to "Leave" the earning factor is used on these levels:
First in First Out
The current system uses the total leave days balance to calculate the remaining leave days per vessel/payscale. The days earned on the first vessel / payscale combination are used first to create a leave activity linked to the vessel / payscale combination.
Days earned on the second (vessel) combination are used to create the 2nd leave activity etc.
This principle is activated/ deactivate by a company option and is handled by the system when creating leave activities from the activities datagroup and the Sign Off Wizard.
Sign OFF Steps
To start working with the Sign Off Wizard, select an expired or current shift and use one of the following tips:
Click Sign Off on the ribbon.
or right-click the shift and select Sign Off from the context menu.
Step 1: Select Sign Off Date and Travel activity (optional)
Sign Off Date - picked up from shift end date.
If modified - wizard will modify corresponding shift/sea-service activity.
Value is used as Date From for the 1st Leave activity to be created.From ver. 2018.4, we improved Sign-Off wizard with possibility of creating a travel activity.
The feature of this activity is that it will also earn/deduct Leave accumulators according to General Code setup.
Travel activity is created, current activity is closed.
Step 2: Select Number of Leave days
Requested Number of Leave Days - user-defined value to request the number of days for person's leave.
It is not possible to request more days then actual balance has.
Actual Leave Balance - displays the total value of Leave days available to be used (earned - deducted).
Calculations are based on accumulated leave balance for historical activities
Step 3: Accumulator Overview
This is a page displaying how the requested days are used from the various accumulators.
The end user has the possibility to change how many days must be used from each accumulator and what activity should be created:
Leave Days Balance - calculated based on person's activities earned to related accumulators.
Requested Days - based on value input on Step 1.
Maximum allowed balance will be set automatically with regards to accumulator's balance. Operator can override it by manual input.Leave Activity - to define activity code that will be generated. All Leave activities linked to an accumulator are available for selection
Footer Info section dynamically displays Balance / Requested / Remaining leave days based on input values.
Click Next.
Step 4: Activities Overview
In the Activities Overview dialog, you can see the activities to be created based on the entries at the previous steps:
You will be offered to generate activities with proper dates.
If your Leave Balance is earned at several vessels - requested Leave days will be automatically split by FIFO principle.
It means that the vessel that earned those Leave earlier is by default offered to spend them with newly generated activities.
Click Finish to finalize the wizard.
In case the Print and Distribute checkbox is selected, clicking Finish finalizes the sign-off process as well as opens the Email Report dialog which enables you to send a report:
Select the report that you want to send and specify the options on its left-hand side:
In the Output section, select E-mail if you want to send report. In addition, you can select Distribute to make a report appear in the Enclosed Documents datagroup.
Select Protect PDF file with a password to allow setting the document password that corresponds to Personal ID, Birthdate or Personal ID (birthdate if empty).
Click Execute to run and send the report.
The Email Report dialog contains only the reports previously added to the group specific for the Sign Off Wizard functionality. For more information on how to generate report groups, add reports to the groups and make report groups available in the Email Report list, see Create Report Group.
Corresponding sea-service activity will be set historical, Leave activities will be created accordingly (here and in Activities datagroup):