APP Non-Conforming Work & Rest Notification report

APP Non-Conforming Work & Rest Notification report


Time and Attendance


Notification Report

Latest Version



The report displays all registrations related to work and rest and additional selected work types such as drill, meal, and sick that exist for selected person(s) in the selected period.


The Non-Conforming Work & Rest notification report is designed for Task Scheduler for periodic automatic mailing to defined recipients. Notification task to be set up in APM (not in APP). 

It is important that the task is set up on the site that actually has the work and the rest data. The most common would be setting up a separate task on each vessel.

Report Parameters

Please note that for efficient work, the following parameters need to be defined on the Report and SQL tab of the task:

  1. NonConforming_Period_from (mandatory) is a value that describes how many days must be deducted (negative value) from today's date. This will be the beginning of the reported period.

  2. NonConforming_Period_to (mandatory) is a value that describes how many days are deducted from today's date. This will be the end of the reported period.

    E.g. if the current date is July, 11 & NonConforming_Period_from = -10, NonConforming_Period_to = - 8, then the report will check the period from July, 1 (current date minus 10) to July, 3 (current date minus 8).

  3. Position (mandatory) defines the position in the chain of approval. Only this position & positions that are located below in the chain of approval will be processed by the report. The digital code that corresponds to a position may be found in the Organization structure as shown below:

4. VesselNumorgId (mandatory).
You can find it under Organization Structure > Vessel Properties > Identification:

5. ServiceURL (mandatory).
Can be found in Global options>Web service tab:


Parameter names are case sensitive. If you input a name as e.g. position - this parameter will not be taken to count.

The scheduled example task can be checked below:

More information on the report itself, its logic, and rules can be found here.

Report file


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