Add Travel Activity
Inputting and Confirming Travel Activities
After an actual crew change is confirmed, you may go to the next stage - confirmation of travel activities on Travel Info page.
Here you can enter the travel days for which the crew is entitled for and get the flight Itinerary (once the travel booking will be done through Adonis).
On the top of the working space you can see View Filter with two options:
Signing Off Travel = will list all Off-Signers to create a travel activity for them;
Signing On Travel = will list all On-Signers to create a travel activity for them.Create Planning - is used for creating planned travel activities (see Step 2 below).
Confirm Travel - can only be done after you confirmed the sign-on and sign-off in the crew change.
Step 1: Fill in travel information
Find the person who needs a travel activity.
In the Activity in Between 1 input the number of days and activity type.You can specify up to three travel activities.
For example, they may be travelling, then staying in a hotel, then travelling.
If more than 1 activity is needed, use the fields Activity in Between 2 and Activity in Between 3.The system calculates corresponding fields for On/Off Signing tabs dynamically:
Leave Activity Date (Signing Off view) is dynamically calculated as:
Date Of Change + Days of 3 activities In Between + 1 dayLeaving Home (Signing On view) is dynamically calculated as:
Date Of Change - Days of 3 activities In Between - 1 dayYou can see that activity is highlighted yellow. This is to indicate for the user that number of days and activity type were selected for the person, but Create Planning button was not clicked.
It means that planned travel activity does not exist for the person yet.To navigate and in-fill the data with convenience, you can use the following shortcuts:
Down arrow key to move to the below row in the same column;
Tab or Enter to move to the next column in the same record;
Shift+Tab to move to the previous cell.
Step 2: Create planned activities
There is however a possibility to create a planned travel activity from Crew Change module for on-/off-signers.
For that:
Select the correct person;
Ensure that number of days and activity type is selected in Activity in Between 1;
Click Create Planning button under Manage menu:
You will see a Confirmation question if you want to create a planned travel activity for the selected persons. Click Yes.
You will see a log with details.
As a result, a Planned Travel activity of the defined type and length will be created for the person in Activities datagroup:
For payroll purposes, this planned travel activity (created from Crew Change module), has Date To filled.
Step 3: Add flight information
You can also add flight details information on Travel Info page.
This will not generate any booking, but a user can store flight information here.
Flight Itinerary:
Once a flight is requested and issued by the travel agent, you can see the detailed itinerary for each single crew member.
Just click a small sign to view/get the itinerary as in the example below:
Step 4: Confirm travels
After you have filled in all information and checked it, you can do confirmation.
For that select the correct row(s), click Confirm Travel button and click Yes in the Confirmation box:
In Crew Change Summary and Log windows you can ensure if the travel activity confirmation is successful.
You will see that status is shown as CFMD (confirmed) in Travel column.
You can confirm travel activities only when signing on/off has been confirmed.
It is possible to confirm individual travel information for persons who are confirmed at On Signing or Off Signing tab.
So, now a user can confirm one or several on-/off-signers, and confirm travel information for them.
After confirmation, planned travel activities created from Crew Change module are set Historical.
In case if planned activities were not created (Create Planning button was not pressed, Step 2),
historical travel activities will be created for the persons based on the input data (activity type and number of days).
Step 5: Move to History
When all work with certain crew change record is done (sing on/off; flight bookings; travels are confirmed), it is possible to set this crew change as Historical.
You don't have to set the crew change Historical at this very time, it can be done later, if necessary.
Please see here
Batch Operation
It is possible to use Column Common Entry to add the same number of days or the same Travel activity to multiple crew:
Stand on the field that you want to update;
Click Column Common Entry icon under Manage menu or select command from right-click menu;
In the screen that appears enter the value you want to be added to the selected crew;
Click OK.
You can create the travel activity in advance as soon as you have your flights confirmed and there is no need to wait for the last minute to make your planning.
Planning your travel activity in advance will assist the payroll to be calculated on time.
By clicking icon under Manage menu, you will be switched to The Crew Change Module help manual.