Shift Right-Click Menu
In this section, we review the options which become available o right-clicking a shift in the current rotation plan:
Assign person (only for empty shifts)- the standard Find Person dialog will appear
It gives 4 major ways to find a necessary person (Direct Input, Position Criteria, Advanced and Onboard).
Remove person - the person is removed from the shift & the dialog offers you to select an activity that should be created instead of the existing sea-service (sick, leave, training or other). You can also add a comment to explain why the planning was changed.
For all details see Assigning and Removing Persons section.
Delete shift removes a shift.
If several shifts are tagged, the one tagged is the last deleted one.
You can delete only empty shifts.
Sign On/Off is used to perform sign-on/off procedures (if Rotation is not linked to Crew Change).
Search functionality
From the menu, select Search… This opens the Find person in rotation dialog:
In the Field section, from the drop-down list, select the field name by which you want to perform the search.
In the Value section, enter a search criterion.
In the Search type section, specify the way to be used for searching:
Case-sensitive to distinguish between lowercase and uppercase of text values.
Exact Match to search for values meeting the exact input.
Partial Match at Beginning to search for values by first inputs.
Partial Match Anywhere to search for values meeting the specified criterion at any place of the search value.
Reverse Direction to initiate the search from bottom to top.
The system locates the first-matching result and sets it focused.
Locate Crew Change (Sign On/Off) command opens the Crew Change module & focuses on the crew change that corresponds to your selection (only if you confirmed sing on/off and there is link to Crew Change).
Tag selects all shifts from displayed diagram according to the selected option:
have been modified;
have person assigned;
do not have persons assigned.
Shifts above tags all shifts on the lines above the one with tagged shift.
Shifts below tags all shifts on the lines below the one with tagged shift.
Untag shifts removes all tags from all shifts.
All datagroups are synchronized with a shift selection.
Any open datagroup displays info for a person, assigned to tagged shift.
The crew list focus is also moved to this person.